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JB:"come on Youngjae"he shouted at the younger who was far behind.

Youngjae:"I'm coming I'm coming"he muttered jogging to catch up with the group

The 4 of them walked to the outside ticket stand. Mark bought them all day passes meaning the can ride any ride in the park as many times as they want.

They all put their bands on tightly and made their way towards the rides.

The went on a couple small rides that kids usually go on. They also went on the bumper cars and had a great time.

Next the went on some medium sized rides and they all had fun laughing and joking around with each other.

That was until it was almost night time and there was only one ride they hadn't gone on yet. The tower of terror

Jackson:"let's go on this one."he said pointing at the biggest ride in the park

Youngjae cringed looking at the height of the ride and how fast it moved. JB noticed (for once) and wrapped his arm around the youngers shoulder.

JB:"is our Youngjae scared of big rollercoasters? Eyy~dont worry you can sit by me",he sang

Mark:"yeah it will be okay it's just a ride, let's go" he said walking to the line.

The line wasn't very long so they got on the ride very quickly. Just as promised JB sat by Youngjae who was shaking in fear. Mark and Jackson sat in front of them giggling to them selves.

JB put his hand out offering the younger to hold it. Which he shyly did before gripping it tightly as the ride started it accent.

Youngjae gripped tight on the older's hand, JB bared the pain and just let him squeeze the life out of his hand.

The ride slowly crept up to the first drop. Everyone on the ride screamed as they plummeted down hill. Youngjae screaming as if his life depended on it.

5 hills and endless screams later the ride stopped and the buckles where released.

Youngjae ran off the ride, out onto the grass and fell to the ground panting and eyes watering.

The other 3 rushed over to him.

JB:"Youngjae are you okay??"he said lifting the boys head up.

Mark:"yah breath slow you are gonna pass out."he said fanning Youngjae

Youngjae:"I think I'm going to throw up."he shot up running to the nearest trash can.

The other 3 boys stood back waiting for Youngjae to finish.

Youngjae whipped his mouth and slid back down on the floor where he buried his head in his knees.

Jackson:"no more big rides for you kid"he said rubbing Youngjaes back.

Mark:"yeah I think you're right"he nodded.

JB crouched down to be at Youngjaes level where he lifted his chin and moved the youngers hair from his face.

JB:"do you need water?"he said concerned

Youngjae simply nodded his head no.

JB:"lies you always ask for water after you get sick."he said bringing the boy to his feet."sit down while I go get some water."

Youngjae:"no I'm fine really"he pleaded.

JB:"sit down before I make you"he said stirnly

Youngjae obeyed and sat down on the small bench. Mark sat down on one side of him and Jackson on the other.

Jackson:"I'm sorry Youngjae that I suggested that ride."he said putting his head down.

Youngjae:"no don't be it wasn't your fault I'm just like this, I'm sorry for ruining the day"he said holding his head.

Mark:"don't ever apologize for being you"

Youngjae smiled, turning his head to JB who was still trying to find a stand with water not lemonade and fried foods.

He chuckled to himself, not realizing the small blush appearing on his face.

Mark noticed (yet again observitive mark) and he looked at Youngjae.

Mark"you like him don't you?"he said calmly.

Youngjaes eyes shot open, startled by the question. After a second he sighed putting his head in his hands messing up his own hair.

Jackson:" I guess that's a yes?'

Youngjae:"is it really that obvious?"he said looking at mark.

Mark shook his head yes.

Youngjae:"then how has he not noticed, or maybe he has but just doesn't like me"he sighed once more.

Mark:"JB isn't good at noticing these types of things, but I think he may like you."he rubbed the youngers back.

Youngjae:"I just wish I could tell him.....Why can't I just tell JB I love him?"he messed his hair again.

JB :"yo-you what?"

BAM cliff hanger.

How are you all doing I missed you soooooooooo much💙💙💙💙💙

I have the best readers ever you are all so nice and beautiful and I love you all💜💜

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See you all next chapter. Love you 😘

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