✽56✽ final?

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Wedding Day(it's a casual style wedding style)

Everything was set this day would be perfect. Jackson, JB and yugyeom stood at the beach in their place waiting for their soon to be husband's to walk down the isle.

Family from each if them sat in chairs full if anticipation. Bambam mom, marks mom, and youngjae mom stood with the 3 boys nervous boys in the building waiting to walk them down the isle.

"Bambam I'm so happy for you, you finally found the one"his mother smiled a tear of happiness running down her cheek.

"Awe mom don't cry"he wiped his mom's tear kissing her forehead.

"My markie is growing up finding love, Im so proud you grew up so we'll"she also had a tear fall as she smiled lovingly at her son.

"You tough me everything I know Mom, thank you for raising me so well"he hugged his mom, pulling away he wiped a tear.

"Jaejae you have grown so well, I'm so happy you found the love of your life."she smiled kissing her sons forehead.

"Mommy you raised me well, thank you. I love you the most"he smiled hugging his mother.

Words were said and now it was time for the mothers to give their children into the hands of their new life partners.

Walking down the isle was a dream come true for these 3, it made it even better having the opportunity to share this special day with their closest friends.

Step by step Jackson JB and Yugyeom watched their beloveds come closer and closer. Moments away from their love being sealed in holy matrimony in front of all their love ones.

Mark in front of Jackson

Youngjae in front of JB

Bambam in front of Yugyeom

Their mother took their seats in the front row giving their precious sons a smile.

"Today we are here to join their couples in holy matrimony"the priest began the crowd giving their full attention.

"Mark, Jackson Jaebum, Youngjae yugyeom, kunpimookbhwakul, please turn to your partner and join hands." The couple's did as told looking deep into each other's eyes.

"Now these 3 pairs have written their own vows, please state them now."

"Mark, love at first sight earned new meaning when I saw you. As soon as I laid my eyes on you my heart skipped a beat. You brought back feeling I thought I had lost forever. You have made me the man I am today, I can't bare the thought of spending another day without you by my side. I love you forever and always."he spoke sincerely, looking deep into the older's eyes.

"Jackson, you taught me how to love again, from the moment I realised you were the one for me all of my pain and worries went away.  every moment of every day has been better and better since you came into my life. Through thick and thin you have been my safety, my rock, and my hope. I couldn't dream of spending my life with anyone else but you. My heart in yours, in other words I love you."he smiled a tear almost falling as he gazed into his beloveds eyes.

Parents and friends clapped the two's beautiful words sending waves of emotion over everyone watching.

"Now Jaebum and youngjae please proceed."the priest looked to the pair.

" Youngjae, you were my first love and my only love. Our first encounter may not have been ideal but to me it was the second best day of my life. Right next to today, the day I get to make the  boy of my dreams mine, to care for, love and protect forever and ever. Thank you for giving me your heart i will protect it with my full being. I love you."he smiled brightly love and sincerity laced in his words.

"Jaebummie, you were there  for me when I had nobody, you cared when I thought the whole world had casted me away. I finally knew what it felt to love and what if felt like to be loved. You make me feel like I can be myself, awkwardness and all, I never have to hide anything from you. I love you thank you for loving me.

The crowd neared tears, as these two lovers spilled their hearts to each other.

"Now finally we have yugyeom and kunpimookbhwakul."

"Kunpimookbhwakul, we have had our issues but they made us stronger. It's true I was never one for love but then I met you and my whole perspective was changed. I know I'm young and I still have lots to experience and I'm happy I get the chance to experience it with you. I love you." A tear escaped from his eye as he squeezed the older's hand.

"Yugyeom, we have so many memories bad and good I hold them in my heart. No matter what you have always been their for me, never giving up or leaving. Thank you for giving me strength when I'm weak. I was broken and you fixed me giving me nothing but love and affection. Without you I wouldn't be here today. I love you so much"he sniffled smiling lost deep in the youngers gaze.

"Now Jackson do you take Mark to be your husband, to love him through sickness and health, tell death do you part"

"I do"he smiled brighter than before

"Mark do you take Jackson to be your husband, to love him through sickness and health, tell death do you part"

"I do"he smiled a tear falling

"Now Jaebum do you take Youngjae to be your husband, to love him through sickness and health, tell death do you part."

"I do"he smiled gripping the youngers hand loving.

"Youngjae do you take Jaebum to be your husband, to love him through sickness and health, tell death do you part."

"I do"he flashed his eye smile his cheeks a light tint of pink.

"Yugyeom do you take kunpimookbhwakul to be your husband to love him through sickness and health tell death do you part."

"I do"he looked deep into the older's eyes.

"Kunpimookbhwakul do you take Yugyeom to be your husband to love him through sickness and health tell death do you part."

"I do"he returned the youngers gaze with his own.

"Well by the power bested in me I now pronounce the couple to be husband's you may all kiss your husbands."

The newly weds sealed their eternal love it a romantic kiss. Sanctifying their feelings in a bondage of forever happiness. It was official and nothing could change it now.

Now all that was left to plan was the honeymoon.

Guys the end is coming. I'm so sad this was my first successful story here and I've had so much fun writing it.

Would you guys like to read the honeymoon chapters?

BTW any black pinks fans?

I just published a black pinks jenlice fic. Please check it out.

I love you all ❤❤❤

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