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Author pov.

Yugyeom sat in the waiting room fighting with himself over calling jackson or not.

He feared that the older would deny his request or he would simply not answer and bambam would be a goner.

He ran his fingers  through his hair and gripped tightly.

He grabbed his phone dialing Jackson's number.

Yugyeom hoped and prayed that the ringing would stop and he would hear the older voice.

After a few rings his prayers where answered and Jackson picked up the phone.

Jackson:"what could you possibly want?"he sounded annoyed.

Yugyeom:"Jackson I'm at the hospital"he sniffled.

Jackson:"what why-wait why are you telling me this?"he sounded slightly concerned.

Yugyeom:"it's bambam he-he"he began choking on his words as tears fell down his face.

Jackson:"he didnt-no fucking way"

Yugyeom:"he tried to kill himself"

Jackson:"what the fuck, is he okay?"he shouted now fully worried.

Yugyeom:"the doctor said he needs. Blood donor..*sniffle*"

Jackson:"but you don't match his blood type, he's type B."

Yugyeom:"but you do, type O is the universal blood type"

Jackson:"fuck"he muttered.

Jackson knew what the right thing to do was but after everything he has been put through he wondered if he could bring himself to do it.

He looked to Mark who was sitting in his lap looking at him with concern in his eyes.

Jackson sighed

Jackson:"I'll be there soon" he hung up the phone.

Yugyeom sighed in relief, not only did bambam have a chance but maybe he would have a chance of making up with Jackson.

Even though the chances on both ends are very slim it brought yugyeom a small sense of hope.


Mark looked at Jackson with questioning eyes. The younger let out a deep breath and through his head back against the couch.

Mark:"yah, what the hell you are gonna hurt yourself, what was that call all about?"he said holding the back of the youngers head.

Jackson:"that was yugyeom"he sighed.

Mark:"your ex best friend?"he said confused.

Jackson:"yea and he is at the hospital, bambam tried to kill himself."he said running his hand through his hair."and guess who the only donor could be, me"

Mark:"he tried to kill himself!?Omo Jackson we have to go to the hospital."he said standing up.

Jackson:"why should i, I mean he's done nothing but hurt us."he protested.

Mark:"because he's still a human being and you know you will feel terrible if he died"

Jackson:"but he's fucking crazy"he said irritated.

Mark:"Jackson Wang don't yell at me over your own frustration, I know what he did was horrible I mean hell I don't even like him. But tell me you wouldn't do crazy shit for love. No I'm not condoning what he did but I can somehow understand it. Obviously he feels some remorse because he tried to rid himself from everyone from the things he did. So look me in the face and tell my you don't want to do this."he protested putting his hand on his hip.

Jackson:"well.....I guess I can understand when you put it like that..I'm sorry"he said putting his head down standing up.

Mark:"I know babe, now let's go he needs your help."he said leading Jackson out the door.

Fast forward to the hospital

Mark and Jackson walked into the waiting room where they where greeted by a nice desk clerk.

Jackson:"hi we are friends of bambam or kunpimookbhwakul, and I will be his donor, Jackson Wang."

Clerk:"ah yes he is in urgent care right now, please have a seat his other friend is over there."she pointed in the direction of yugyeom.

Jackson and mark walked over to the young boy who had his head laid in his hands.

Jackson:"yah where here"he said monotoned.

Yugyeom:"thankyou"he looked up revealing his tear stained cheeks.

Jackson:"yea yeah how long tell I donate?"he crossed his arms.

Mark jabbed him in the side and glared signaling him to be a little more sympathetic.

Jackson sighed and uncrossed his arms and lowered himself to face the young boy.

Jackson:"he's gonna be okay, it's not the first time something like this has happened and you know that"

Yugyeom shook his head in agreement, taking a sharp breath in.

Mark walked over to yugyeom and took Jackson's place Infront of the young boy.

Mark:" hello I'm mark tuan, Jackson's boyfriend, I've heard....Lots about you"he shyly chuckled

Yugyeom:"oh you-you have....."he trailed of obviously ashamed"well nice to meet you"

Jackson:"cool you guys met, now how did this even happen, and why are you shirtless?"he said once again unamused.

Yugyeom:"I came over to his house and i-i got into his room and I saw- i-i saw him laying on his floor cold, unconscious, all cut up, and just helpless, ...So I wrapped my shirt tightly around his wrist and drove him here"tears falling once more.

Mark:"that must have been so tramadic for you to see"he said rubbing the youngers back.

Jackson:"oh god, here"he said handing the younger his jacket."it's cold in here."

Yugyeom:"are you sure" he hesitantly grabbed it

Jackson:"yeah man, even though you're a bitch you shouldn't be cold and crying"he sat in a seat next to mark.

Mark:"JACKSON" he shouted slapping the youngers leg.


Yugyeom:"no I deserved that he is right I am a bitch. I mean I never even formally apologized."he said putting his head down.

Mark:"well better late than never."he said nudging jackson.

Jackson:"I don't need your apology"he huffed.

Just then the nurse came out calling for Jackson.

Nurse:"I need Jackson Wang"she called looking at her clipboard

Jackson stood up and followed the lady but not before giving his love a kiss on the forehead, just because.

The lady took Jackson back to the donation room, leaving mark and Yugyeom in the waiting room.

Now they just wait.

Hey guys another update❤
I can't believe spring break is almost over😭
Anywho I will still be updating frequently.
I love you guys❤❤❤❤

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