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Jacksons p.o.v

I drove down the busy streets of Seoul. All i could think about was all the pain he caused me and now he is hurting the ones i love. "How can he think so highly of himself?" Spoke to myself. I reached a stoplight and i got my phone out quickly dialing bambams number.

I put the phone to my ear as I began driving. It ran a few times then the sound of that little tirants voice peirced through the phone.

Bambam:" Jackson baby I'm assuming you call to tell me that you broke it off with that side hoe"

Jackson:"listen here no I did not and he is not a side hoe you little- UHG meet me at the park. I will be there in 5 minutes and you better be there."

Bambam:"the park where we had our first kiss"

Jackson:"yea the one where I made one of worst mistakes ever."

I hung up the phone in anger and slammed my foot on the petal flying down the road.

"Just wait tell I get there bambam, I'll show you how I really feel"


Authors p.o.v

Jackson arrived at the park and paced back and forth by a big oak tree. He did this for about 5 minutes and the he was interrupted by hands wrapping around his waist.

Jackson immediately flung the two arm off of himself and turned around to face the source of his pain.

The young Thai boy had a smirk/smile painted across his face as he folded his hands Infront of himself in a attempt to look cute

Jackson however did not find it cute at all he found it gross and petty.

Jackson:"don't touch me" he spat looking at the younger.

Bambam:"well someone's angry"he rolled his eyes.

Jackson:"do I not have the right to be angry? You threaten me my boyfriend and my friends, what did you expect me to be smiley and cheerful to see you?"he shouted.

Bambam:"well it wouldn't have gotten this far if you would have broken up with him in the first place."he snapped back.

Jackson:"why should I break up with the only person who has ever cared for me besides my family? For you? Haha don't make me laugh I would never leave him for some lowlife Ike you, especially after what you did to me."he screamed

Bambam:"lowlife? That was just a big mistake, all of it. I never meant to hurt you babe, honest."

Jackson:"YOU FUCKING LIE. You cheat on me with my best fucking friend and you expect me to forgive you. AND PLUS IT WAS ON OUR ANNIVERSARY. I went all the way to fucking Thailand to get you your favorite chocolates and a bear I even had your mom spray it with her perfume so you could have her scent and remember being home. BUT NO you wanted to hoe around and break my heart. SO listen kunpimookbhwakul stay away from me and my friends AND YOU BETTER LEAVE MARK THE FUCK ALONE. If you have a problem we can settle it right here and right now because I'm sick of this shit, I really am."he shouted a tear threatening to fall.

Bambam:"I'm not fucking lying why can't you see that, I just want you back, I want to feel your touch and hear your sweet voice at night. I miss you Jackson, I know all this is wrong but I feel like if he's out of the picture than you would take me back."he let a tear fall.

Jackson:"well the feeling isn't mutual and there is no chance that I will be taking you back, I love Mark with everything in me, hurting him hurts me and if you really loved me like you say you do you wouldn't want to hurt me."he said holding back tears of anger.

Bambam:"I-i hadn't thought of it that way....."he sighed "I'm sorry Jackson, don't worry I won't bother you or anyone else ever again." He spoke in a unsettling tone.

Jackson:"why are you saying it like that?"

Bambam:" nobody will have to worry about me anymore, goodbye Jackson"

Bambam hugged Jackson and ran off. Jackson stood there puzzled, angry, and slightly worried.

What did bambam mean by his words. Jackson pondered for a second pushing the negative thoughts back hoping he didnt mean what Jackson thought he meant.

Bambam pov

"Im just a waist of oxygen and space, nobody wants me.......What's the point....I'll just do everyone the favor."

Hey guys I missed you again❤
Here's another update sorry if it's short.
I will update again soon I swear
Love you all❤❤

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