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New message from babyboybambam

Babyboybambam: well if it isnt little mr man stealer

Jacksons_boy:  um excuse me who are u???

Babyboybambam: its not about who i am its about what I want, and what I want is for you to back off Jackson.

Jacksons_boy: who in the actual fuck do u think you are telling me what to do? Wait is this that lil bitch that tried to end me and Jackson before??

Babyboybambam: that's right it's me and I'm telling u to stay away from him or else.

Jacksons_boy: or else what? Nothing can keep me and Jackson apart!

Babyboybambam: oh you'll see I suggest you watch your back oh and tell your little friend JB and his new boyfriend Youngjae is it? To watch their backs too.

Babyboybambam: bye love

Mark dropped his phone in shock. How did he know about his friends and what did he mean by watch your back? He contemplated standing up abruptly running to the bathroom.

Jackson glanced at marks phone seeing the username. He grabbed it quickly scrolling through the messages, his eyes widened ands his mouth fell agape.

He ran to follow his love leaving JB and Youngjae confused on the couch.

When Jackson got to the bathroom door he found it to be locked. He knocked on the door shaking the door handle.

Jackson:"mark open up the door, now"he said twisting the door knob.

Mark unlocked the door, Jackson opened it seeing mark sitting on top of the dryer with tears staining his cheeks.

Jackson immediately rushed to his love taking him into his embrace. Marks arms slowly snaked around Jackson's waist as he buried his face in the crook of the youngers neck, sobbing his eyes out.

Jackson caressed the older hair and rubbed his back.

Jackson:"babe look at me"he whispered to the older.

Mark shook his head hanging onto the younger tighter.

Jackson:"mark you know I won't let anything happen to you right?"he said put the twos foreheads together.

Mark:"he said he was gonna hurt JB and Youngjae and you if I don't stay away from you"he choked out sniffling."maybe we should just-"he was cut off by Jackson's lips on his.

Jackson:"don't you dare say​ what I think you are gonna say"he said cupping his face.

Mark:"but I don't want anyone to be hurt because of me"he said pushing Jackson off him.

Jackson:"it's not because of you at all, you did nothing wrong"he said embracing him once again."he is just some psycho bitch with no life"

Mark:"but-"Jackson cut him off once again

Jackson:"no buts you know the only butt I like is yours. I told you that I won't let anything happen and I mean that, I just need you to trust me"he said planting another kiss on his lovers lips.

Mark:"okay I trust you"he faintly smiled in relief.

Jackson:"I guess we should inform JB and Youngjae on the situation at hand"he said letting mark go.

Mark nodded and followed Jackson to the living room sitting down on the couch.

Just before Jackson could open his mouth to speak they heard a loud bang on the front door.

Everyone jumped, Jackson got up and went to the door opening it to see nobody there just a box with a note on top that said "for mark twan"

Jackson hesitantly picked it up bring it inside. He sat on the couch beside mark handing him the box and holding his hand.

Everyone looked puzzled as mark slowly opened the box.

Inside was an envelope with a bunch of pictures.....Pictures of all 4 of the boys in the room. Pictures of them at the fair, the hospital and most shocking of all even pictures of the events that just took place, mark crying in the bathroom with Jackson holding him. Everything they had don't together was captured in a picture inside that envelope. At the bottom of the box was a note that said.

I told you to watch your back, I'm always watching. Nobody can protect you not even your little lover Jackson. Enjoy him while it lasts mark, I will be seeing you soon.

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