chapter seventy one

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I didn't speak to glen form the rest of the night and he didn't try and talk to me he thought I'd kept been pregnant secret from him I don't know how he could think I'd do that after everything we'd been through he knew I was reluctant to have another baby he decided to sleep in the spare room and that did it for me he could go to hell I was pregnant and scared and he was behaving like an idiot the next morning I had a shower and got ready for the day I could hear glen with ruby he must have been and got her from his parents at some point she was in her highchair eating I strokes her head giving her a kiss "mama" she said glen spun round "do you want some" he said pointing to what he was cooking "no I'll sort myself out" "I'm sorry about last night" "which bit glen where you basically called me a liar or when you slept in the spare room when I needed you" "both liv" "well I don't care glen I needed you I'm scared" "I know you are liv I'm sorry it was a shock" "and it wasn't for me oh no because you think I knew about it don't you" "I don't think you lied at all but you must have known something" "how many more times glen I didn't you knew I wasn't sure about having another after what happened why would I keep this to myself when I'd need you more than ever" "I know you wouldn't liv I'm sorry" "sorry isn't enough glen" I told him "liv come on were both in shock" "I know that but you didn't ask how I felt your first thought was that I lied" I told him he made his way over to me but I put my hands up stopping him coming any nearer things had changed between us

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