Chapter seventy

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Life was pretty much perfect I was planning the wedding which was in 4 months time ruby was still a daddy's girl she'd finally gotten over her swearing phase she'd not said it for over five months I'd left glen and ruby in bed while I went to the gym I seemed to spend all my time there yet my tummy never went down I guess it was what having kids did to your body but I had a wedding dress to fit into and I wanted glen to think I looked amazing not fat I turned the speed up on the tredmill ignoring the dizzy feeling the next thing I knew I'd blacked out I couldn't think straight I was feeling that dizzy there was a funny feeling in my tummy it felt like kicking but before I could think anymore of it I blacked out again the manager at the gym called an ambulance the paramedics where checking me over "your blood pressure is low that's probably why you fainted" they told me "but we want to take you in just to check you over" they insisted I phoned glen who was going to drop ruby off at his mums then meet me at the hospital he arrived when I was having some blood taken he rushed over to the side of the bed "hey you ok" he asked kissing my head "I blacked out twice at the gym the paramedics said my blood pressure was low that's all I know" "how do you feel now you look pale" he told me "worn out" the nurse disappeared with the blood she'd taken a doctor then appeared "I understand you fainted twice at the gym" "yeh I felt lightheaded and just passed out" he took my blood pressure "it's abit on the low side have you been over doing it" he asked before I could answer glen started taking "yes she has we get married in 4 months and we've a little girl and she's at the gym all the time" "have you been eating properly" "yeh" I told him "well I'm gonna see what your bloods say when they come back and we can take it from there" he told us disappearing it must have been an hour before he came back "right we've got your results back and the reason why you fainted was because your pregnant" "I'm what" "your pregnant Olivia and by the levels of the pregnancy hormone it's more than a few weeks I'd say its a few months we need to do a scan to be sure on dates though" "I can't be they must be someone else's results" "there yours Olivia" he told me again "we've got you an appointment for a scan right now" I nodded somehow at him I was taken to another part of the hospital glen hasn't said anything yet he looks in shock I couldn't even look at the screen as the nurse scanned me I was scared and in shock "right going by the measurements I'd say you were 22 weeks pregnant" she told me "what that's 5 and a half months" glen said finally finding his voice "is everything ok" he asked "everything looks perfect I can even tell you the sex" "liv what do you think you want to know" he asked I nodded my head "well your having a boy I'll print you some picture off" she told us I was taken back to the original ward I was on the doctor was happy to let me go but have me a prescription for some medication because I was borderline anemic glen went off and got them then came back for me neither of us saying anything I went and sat on the sofa glen sat on the other "how did you not know liv" he questioned "I don't know glen everything's been normal" "well obviously it hasn't what's wrong where you too scared to tell me" "what no I didn't know I've not been sick I've still been having periods do I look five and a half months fucking pregnant" I screamed at him "I don't know how you didn't know" "fuck you" I snapped at him walking off upstairs

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