Where the river ends- River Phoenix

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First off those puns do ^^^^^ second this is not requested

I started my day as normal. I got up ate breakfast, put on new clothes, brushed my hair and teeth. I put on my deodorant and perfume. I ran out the door before my dad woke up. I went to school just like normally. I came home and did my homework. My dad walked in. "I told you to clean the damn kitchen" he slapped me. I got up and ran. I ran for along time. I knew my dad had a problem. I knew he could hurt me but I never thought he would. I followed the river and kept running. I finally slowed down as the river was slowly turning into a small creek. I kept my head down as I walked down the riverside. Suddenly I fell to the floor with a stranger in top of me. "Oh Im sorry I wasn'tlooking where I was going" the stranger said. I didn't look up "its fine". He stuck out his hand "River Phoenix" I took his hand and shook it. "Y/N Y/L/N" "Thats a very beautiful name for a very beautiful girl." he had a flower in his hand. He put it in my hair. He grabbed my arm and wrote something down. "Call me" he smiled and walked the other way.
Who could guess that a pot of gold didn't lye at the end of the rainbow but at the end of the river.

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