What the- Adam Banks

592 11 2

Requested by a lovely lady named lilymcwilliam_15

I walked down the streets of LA. Hannah next to me. "Adam". Just the sound of his name made me turn bright red. "Adam Adam Adam Adam Adam Adam Adam Adam" As I turned bright red Hannah went on "You do like him" I slapped my hand over her mouth "shut your mouth" she ripped my hand off her mouth. She started skipping down the street "Lily likes Adam. Lily and Adam sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G" I chased after her laughing "I said shut your mouth" We turned a corner and I ran into someone. When I look to my side Hannah wasn't there. She was half way down the street laughing. I look up only to see one hot mama jama looking down at me. His lips connected with mine. He pulled away "What the- Adam?"

Hahahahahahahahaha cliff hangers are happening. Don't you just love cliff hangers Don't worry the rest will be up tonight......or will it hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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