"Yeah"- Yeah Yeah

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For the best rec bestie ever sodapopcurtis_8

I walked down the sidewalk to Vincent's drug store. As the store came into view  so did Suints and Yeah-Yeah. Squints was drooling over Wendy Peforcorn. I waved at them and ran to get next to Yeah-Yeah. I've had a crush on Yeah-Yeah for the past 3 weeks. Luckily he doesn't know. "Hey Mattie" Yeah-Yeah waved. Squints didn't even relize I was there. "Hey Mattie I was wondering if you would want to see a movie" Yeah-Yeah just asked me out to the movies. He took my shocked silence as a no "it's ok if you don't want to I just thought I'd ask" "wait can you repeat the first sentence" "oh ok. I was wondering if you would like to see a movie with me" "yeah" he smiled. That smile could brighten a room. "Great" he ran off with Squints. As they ran off I heard Squints say "oh and you thought I was drooling"I laughed and continued down the street with my mind racing about this date.

I hoped you enjoyed this. I can do a part 2 if you would like.

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