I can't breath- Wil Wheaton

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Based off of Bea Miller's song and TRIGGER WARNING

Somebody get me a hammer. Wanna break all the clocks and the mirrors. And go back to a time that was different.

You sat on your bed crying. They said you were ugly. They said you weren't worth any one's time. They said to kill yourself. You wanted to go back before that dumb bitch ruined your life.

A time when I

The days were you had all your friends and that bitch wasn't a part of your life. You felt a sudden rage thinking about her. You started punching your wall while still balling. You knew your boyfriend or soon to be ex would be over. There was no way he could still love and want you.

Didn't feel like something was missing. Now my body and mind are so distant. Don't know how to escape from this prison.

You knew the bitch wasn't the only reason you were balling your eyes out punching holes in your wall thinking about ending it all. She was only the breaking point. You had been depressed for many years. You had thought of yourself as ugly and worthless. Your mind was in a prison, that your feeling had just broken out of.

How can I

How could you help yourself. You thought the only way was to end it all. You started crying harder. You fell to the floor crying harder and harder.

Free my mind

Thoughts over whelmed you. You wanted to let everything go and not think, but it wasn't possible. You sobbed harder now thinking of all the terrible things she had said about you.

Cause I can't breathe

You sobbed so hard you could barely get gasps of air into your lungs. You heard a knock on your door. "GO AWAY" you screamed in between sobs. The door opend and you heard the sound of foot steps coming to your room.

I can't breathe

Your boyfriend Wil ran into the room. You kept sobbing. "Whats wrong" he asked panic. You were still trying to.get air on your lungs between sobs.

I can't breathe

"Come on Y/N, stop crying please" Wil begged pulling you into his arms. You had stopped sobbing but tears still filled your eyes and you atill.were.gaspimg for breaths.

I can't breathe

Wil had pulled you closer to his chest. "It doesn't matter what that fake ho says Y/N. It doesn't matter what those people think of you. They weren't good friends in the first place if they left you like that."

I can't breathe

You had finally caught your breath. Even though you were done crying more thoughts over whelmed you. Past thoughts of all the fun times you had with your so called friends. You didn't want to live in the moment.

How can I live in the moment. When my thoughts never feel like my own and don't know how to admit Im broken.

You began crying again. Not as hard. "Wil I-Im" you couldn't stop crying. You needed to tell him you were broken that you needed help, but the words wouldn't come out of you. "Yes Y/N"

How can I

"Wil I-I need to tell you s-s-something" you saids inbetween cries. "I-I need help"

Be alright.

"With what" he replied. "Be alright"

Cause I can't breathe

"I feel like I can't breathe. I need something or someone to help me feel. I need something or someone to help me find a place were I can breathe without stress. Without the pain of the world." you said. You had finally stopped crying.

I can't breathe

"I need a place with fresh air"

I can't breathe

"Where I can breathe clean air. The air the bitch doesn't breathe" Wil hugged you as you talked.

I can't breathe

"Wil I need to die. I need to be in a happy place where im.not in pain amd there is fresh air" Wil's eyes widened.

I can't breathe

"No Y/N. No you don't. There is fresh clean air that isn't bad. It's not about air its about how you just want a new life. You don't want to be here because you don't like your life. Your life is valuable to me. Your life is valuable to your parents and family. You can breathe"

I can't breathe
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
I can't breathe

"I guess your right" Wil leaned in and kissed you.

Im sorry if this is depressing just in a depressing mood. The songs sad the story's sad.

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