Nervous- Adam Banks

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Requested by ilovepanandnewt

Adam is meeting my parents for the first time. I could tell he was nervous. "What if they don't like md"I laughed and shook my head "they'll love you" we were walking home from hockey practice. "Ok so what if they do like me Stefanie . If your brother doesn't I might as well never talk to you again" I laughed again "calm down Adam. Im sure they will all love you". We got ti my door. I took out my extra key and unlocked it "MOOOOM IM HOME. ADAMS HERE TOO" As we walked in I shut the door behind us. "Ok sweetie dinner is almost ready. Your brother is gonna be a little late for dinner".  I smiled at Adam hoping that had helped him ease up a little. "Lets go watch tv while waiting" he nodded and went to the living room. About 30mins later my mom called us for dinner. It was spaghetti. We sat down and started eating. "I-I-It's really g-good. T-thank you" My mom smiled at him "No thank you for liking my food" My dad started talking to Adam. This made Adam a nervous reck. He couldn't stop stammering. I giggled silently as my dad asked him simple questions. The door opened and my brother yelled that he was home. He walked into the kitchen and looked Adam up and down. "Who's he" Adam couldn't make a sound. I found his hand under the table and held it. "This is my bo-. This is my friend Adam." My brother shrugged and sat in his spot. He started eating. My family started talking to him. He eased up a little but still continued to stammer. We finished dinner. I pushed my glasses up and stood. Adam followed me. I walked him to the door. "I had a fun time" He nodded "I did to other then the fact that I was really nervous and kept stammering" he chuckled. I kissed his cheek and wished him off

I hope you enjoyed this sucky imagine. If you requested a imagine besides the two I posted it should be up tomorrow or.the next day.

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