Dare!!!!!- Chris Chambers

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Requested by sodapopcurtis_8

I sat at lunch eating with Hannah.and Lily. The boys were sitting at the other end of the table whispering. "Secrets don't make friends" Hannah said punching Teddy in the arm. He rolled his eyes and went backto talkingin the huddle they had made. Hannahcame back and we talked about normal things like how the food tasted awful and what the hell goofy was. The boys finally unhuddled. Chris walked up to me "hey uh Mattie can I talk to you alone." I nodded my head and followed. I've like Chris for a while now. "So I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me." I nodded my head. On the inside I was exploding with happiness, but I couldn't let Chris know that. "Ok great. Is friday at 8 ok"I smiled and nodded. I walked off. That means there is only 4 more days. I was so happy.

Wenesday at lunch

I walked into the cafeteria. I didn't bring or want a lunch so I just sat at a table waiting for my friends to get out of class. I could here talking that sounded like the guys. "Shut up Teddy we all know your head over heals for Hannah, you just act tough to impress her. Plus the only reason I asked Mattie out is because of Vern's dare" I turned and stared at Chris. He relized I was sitting there. Tears filled my eyes. No Mattie don't cry. I stood up. I walked up to Chris. "Wow......the only reason you asked me out was because of a fat kid." I shoved him out of my way as I ran out. "Mattie come back" I heard Chris as he ran after me. I only quickened my pace. I knew Chris could and would out run.me but I tried. I felt hands grab my shoulders. Chris turned me around. "Mattie listen. The only reason I asked you at was because of a dare. I wouldn't be able to askyou at any other way. I like you a lot Mattie but I was scared you wouldn't like me back. Vern knew I would never back down from a dare and he helped me by asking yo-" I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his. "Lets go Chambers" we wapked hand in hand back to the cafeteria. Lily and Gordie were kissing. Teddy was talking to Hannah. He kept getting closer to her everytime she spoke. Eventually his lips were against hers. Me and Chris just laughed. Chris kissed my cheek. "We still on for friday" he asked "of course"

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