Date-Adam Banks

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Third Person POV

Adam had decided to take Lily skating at a small pond. It was hidded by trees and a very beautiful spot. Some people even say the most romantic date place. There is a sense of magic about this pond, even though it is very popular people never run into eachother on dates. The people often leave right before the other date will appear. Lily was at home tying her rollar blades. She had decided to wear a pear of jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt. She found a small backpack and packed her skates and a extra sweater in case it got to cold. Her and Adam would meet up at a diner for dinner amd then would skate to the pond to ice skate before it got to dark. Lily skated to the diner where Adam was already waiting.

Lily POV

"Hope you like burgers"Adam smiled. I nodded amd we walked in. We slid into a booth. "What would you like to drink"a waitress asked us as she placed menus in front of us. "I'll have a hot chocolate" "make that two"Adam said. The waitress nodded and walked off. "Im glad you said ya Lily. I've like you for a while and for you me back is a miracle " I nodded in agreement "I thought you didn't like me" he smiled that smile that made me melt. Th waitress walked back with our hot chocolates. "Ok and what would you two like to eat". Adam looked at his menu and looked back up "i'll just have a normal cheeseburger. Oh and just the burger no fries please" the waitress nodded and wrote it down on her notepad. She looked back up at me "I'll have tje same thing" she nodded and walked off. "Lily do you think the guys will except me" "of course they will. It will take a bit but with me and Hannah it will be faster." he nodded. "Are you ready to skate" I nodded. Soon our food came and we ate. Then we skated to the pond. No one was there. Adam and I sat on a bench and put on our ice skates on. We stood. Adam looped his arm threw mine. We went on the ice and skated. It started to get dark 20 mins later. We took our skates off and put our roller blades on. "I'll walk you home." "more like skate me home"we laughed at that stupid joke as we skated off. We stopped in front of my house. "I had a great time tonight"Adam said. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I was so suprised I didn't do anything. "Bye Lily"he skated off

This is your second part lilymcwilliam_15

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