The park 2- Chris Chambers

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Me and Chris sat with our heads on eachothers for a long time. Teddy was annoying Hannah while she tried to read. Gordie and Lily were being annoying and whispering things in eachothers ears. We all were sitting in a circle under a tree. It was later in the day so it was starting to cool off. "We should camp out tonight" Chris said. We all nodded in agreement. "Then its settled were camping out tonight at 8" "where the hell would we camp out" Lily asked. "Ya know the woods" vern said. "Thanks sherlock" Hannah said socking Vern in the arm. "OWWWW" everyone laughed. Hannah stood. "Well if were camping out tonight at 8, that means I have about 3 hours to convince my aunt to let me go." she walked off Vern following. Lily stood and so did Gordie. Chris stood and held out his hand to help me up. I gladly excepted it. "Well I got to go pack. Bye" I placed a quick kiss on Chris's cheek. I walked home with Teddy being annoying as usaul. What does Hannah see in him. I thought. Teddy and I got home and packed.

Later that night

We had agreed to meet at the park before we went. Chris, Lily, and Vern were sitting there. That was weird, Verns never on time and where was Hannah. "Wheres Hannah" Teddy aaked basically reading my mind. "She has to sneak out. My mom said it was not ok for a young lady to be hanging out with so many guys. After that she gave her a long lecture of why she should be wearing a dress not jeans" we all nodded. Hannah's aunt and Verns mom was the type of woman who believed that a girl should wear dresses and like pink. Hannah lived in Castle Rock but at the very edge of town. We all knew her from school, but now she lives with Vern, Billy, and Vern's mom because her parents thought it was better for her education. We all heard foot steps hit the pavement. We turned our heads to the side and saw Hannah running. "I hate having to run all the way from your damn house Vern" Chris and Lily looked at each other "I RAN ALL THE WAY HOME" everybody joined in. Hannah just sat on the ground and stared at us. "Go fuck yourselves" she stated when we finished. "You wish" Teddy replied. She flipped him off. "We brought food right" Hannah said. We all nodded. We all had sleeping bags. We all walked off towards the woods. We ended up in the middle of the woods where there was a spot to lay our sleeping bags and have a fire. We layed down our sleeping bags and started a fire. "You should tell us a story Gordie" (Sorry this sounds like what they did in the movie but its not) Lily said. "sure" Gordie replied. He then went on to tell a story about a girl who was loved by no one and how puberty hit her hard and all of a sudden all the guys wanted her and she denied them all. Just kidding I fell asleep on Chris's shoulder before he could finish the first sentence. I woke up to Chris gently shaking me. "Mattie you fell asleep to Gordie's story." "oh ok" I stood. Everybody was on their own sleeping bag. I was still on Chris's. I sat down on mine. "Ok who has the food" Hannah asked. Everyone including me pulled out a part of a smore. I had the marshmallows. Chris had the chocolate. Vern had the graham crackers. "YAY SMORES" Hannah screamed. Teddy tackled her again. "Shut the fuck up Hannah. We are not supposed to be out here" Hannah looked at him. "I don't shut the fuck up. I grow the fuck up and when I look at you I throw the fuck up ughh" Hannah was still under Teddy. He kissed her. She was surprised. "Get it" I screamed. She flipped me off. I turned my head Chris catching my lips by surprise. We kissed for a long time. I think Gordie and Lily started kissing and Vern just sat there.

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