Beautiful girl

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It's Wednesday, 27 november. My birthday. I'm not excited. I woke up at 6:30 am. I put on an All Time Low shirt, black skinny jeans, black converse a red beanie and bracelets. I went downstairs and my dad was making breakfast. "morning, birthday boy" my dad said while he put my breakfast on the table. "morning dad" I said. "The guys are coming over after school, so you can bring Alex and Emery with you after school" I nodded at what my dad said. They probably are doing something for my birthday. I may hate my birthday, but I always give a smile when they do something for me. "dad?" I asked. He looked up from his breakfast. "Yes?" "Can we go to the skatepark after school?" "sorry Blake, but we want you guys after school here." I was confused. They always let us hang out after school even on someone's birthday. "What is so important?" I asked him. "You will see." He smiled. 


I walked to my locker, where Emery and Alex are waiting. "Hey dude, happy birthday" Emery said. "thanks dude". Alex didn't say anything. "Dude, it doesn't mean that I hate my birthday that you need to ignore me today." I said to him. Emery laughted but Alex still ignored me. "Dude look" He said pointing to somewhere. He pointed at the end of the hallway. There was the most beautiful girl ever. She had blonde hair, blue eyes and braces. She wore black ripped jeans, a blue t-shirt and blue converse. She has a nice style. She looks familiar. "Dude I know her from somewhere" Emery said. Alex struggled and put his skateboard in his locker. Alex's locker was next to mine and Emerey's was in another hallway. I looked at the new girl and saw Tom going up to her. Tom is a football/soccer player and the most populair guy in school. "Dude you need to talk to her before Tom gets her" Alex said. "Yeah man, she looks perfect for you." Emery said. I looked over and saw Tom talking to her. I want to walk to them but the school bell rang. I groaned and went to math. Emery had P.E. and Alex had art. I was sitting in class, writing down some questions from the board  , when the door opened. I looked up and saw the blonde girl standing there. "You must be the new girl here" my teacher said. "yes, sorry I'm late. I didn't find the classroom." "No problem, you can sit at the back next to..." I looked at the back. My seat was in the middle. I cursed under my breath. "Tom." my teacher finished. The girl smiled and went to sit next to Tom. "Hey babe" I heard Tom say to her. "Hi" she said nervous. "Don't be nervous. I'm nice and the most populair guy in school." " I don't care that you're the most populair guy in school." She spat back. I smiled at what she said. Man this girl is hot and feisty. I looked back and saw Tom talking to her. But the girl ignored him and was writing in her notebook. I liked her and didn't even talk to her. I looked forwards and did my work.

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