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Alex p.o.v

"dad, can I go to the skatepark with Emery?" I asked. My dad and uncle Ash looked at each other. "okay, but be home before 10 o'clock" My dad said. Emery and I smiled and start running to the skatepark. "Thanks dad" we screamed. We heard our dads laugh. When we were around the block we looked at each other. Emery was the first one to do it. He hold my hand. We are together. Together as in a couple. Our dads and uncles don't know it and Blake neither. "When are we gonna tell it to them?" I asked. "Idk, what if they don't like it" We walked to the skatepark and sat down on a bench. We just hold hands and laughed at some stories. 3 guys walked into the park. "guys, look what we have here" one laughed. He had dark hair and some tatoos on his arm. "leave us alone" Emery said. "what are you gonna do? Fight us" I looked at Emery and he smiled. Emery, Blake and I learned fighting. We got in alot of trouble but it saved our lifes one time. "Yes, let's fight" Emery said. We stood up and Emery punched the first guy in the nose. The second guy wanted to punch me, but I kicked him in the wrong place. He fell down. Emery was fighting the first guy. The guy had a bloody nose and a split lip. I want to fight the last guy, but he was no where to see. I looked around and saw him running away. "Wow" I said. I looked back at Emery and the guy and the guy was walking away. "nice done babe" I said to Emery. He smiled and pecked my lips. "I have an idea. If Blake and Jessica got together, we're gonna tell our parents and them that we're together." he said. "okay" I said. I looked at my phone and saw it was 9:45 pm. "come we are gonna go home" I said. He smiled took my hand and we walked to our houses.


Blake p.o.v

I woke up to the smell of eggs. That's weird my dad never makes eggs. He doesn't know how to make them. I walked downstairs and saw Jessica making eggs. She saw me and smiled. "good morning" she said with a happy voice. "morning" I said. I'm not a morning person. She give me a plate with eggs. "It's Thursday. I always make breakfast on Thursday" she said. I nodded, to tired to say something. "Morning" my dad came in the kitchen. "It smells good. I guess Jessica made breakfast" he said as a joke. I laughted sarcastic. "funny, really funny" I said. Jessica giggled. She is cute when she giggled. I smiled. "Morning" uncle Luke said walking in. "Eat fast, you need to catch the bus" my dad said. Jessica nodded and went upstairs. I followed her. We took our backpacks and went downstairs. "See you later!" I screamed. Jessica laughted and followed me. "so you're in a band?" she asked. "yeah" I said. "Can I hear you guys play one day?" "Yeah, if we find a singer" I said. "Maybe you can sing" I suggested. She looked shocked. "No, I can't sing" she laughed. Can she stop being so cute? It drives me crazy. "Can I see your schedule?" I asked. She took her schedule out of her backpack. I smiled, we have music together. I gave it back. "Why did you wanted it?" she asked. "Just, I don't know" I said laughing. She looked confused but she laughed anyway. The thing is, you need to learn a musical instrument. If you don't wanna do that, you need to learn how to sing. "Do you play any instrument?" "No and I don't want to. I don't have any patience to learn that" She laughed. Yes! 99% chance I can hear her sing. I smiled. "why are you smiling?" She asked. "Nothing" I smiled. We were now in the bus. The bus stopped and Emery and Alex walked in. They sat in front of us. "Hey" Jessica smiled. They just looked at her. She looked confused and sad. "don't worry. They're not really morning people." I said to her. "here, try this" she took something out of her backpack. The guys looked up at her and she smiled at them. She gave some candy. Emery and Alex looked at each other and ate it. They smiled and looked more awake. "Thanks" they said. I smiled at Jessica and she smiled back. I looked at the guys and they're looking at each other. You can call me crazy, but they look cute together. We arrived at the school and went inside. "I'm gonna go to my locker" Jessica said to us. "okay, see you in music" I said. I have now biology and after that music. "She has music with us?" Emery asked. "Yeah" I smirked. "It doesn't matter. She will not sing in front of the class." Alex said. "Really? Because in the morning I asked her if she could play an insturment and she said, and I quote: No and I don't want to. I don't have any patience to learn that." "You really think she gonna sing in class?" Alex asked. I nodded to the 2 guys standing in front of me. "When she can sing, we're gonna ask her if she want so be our singer" Emery said. Alex and I nodded at him. We really need a singer and maybe we're gonna find the singer today. "What if she can sing, but doesn't want to be in a band?" "Who doesn't wanna be in a band with us?" I laughed at Emery's question. He laughed with me and we went to biology. Alex had English. We sat in class, talking in the back. Only 10 minutes left and we have music. After 10 minutes, what felt like 30 minutes, the bell rang. Emery and I ran to our music class. When we walked in the class, I saw Jessica talking to the teacher. She smiled at me and Emery and I went to our seats. After a couple seconds Alex walked in and sat behind Emery. I looked at Jessica and she was walking up to us. She sat behind me, next to Alex. "Okay class, because it's the first lesson I gave back again, I want to see wich instrument you play or if you sing." Our teacher was pregnant, so she was away for a couple months. "Jessica? Do you play any instruments?" our teacher asked. I looked behind me and saw her looking confused. "No" "Well or you're going to learn to play an instrument or you're going to sing" "I rather sing" She answered. I looked over at the guys and they were smiling at me. In a couple of seconds we're gonna hear our new singer. Hopefully.

(A/N: sorry for my bad English :P)

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