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Blake's p.o.v

It's Friday, 8 hours lesson and than weekend. Finally. I forget to ask Jessica how it went with Tom yesterday. I f*cking hate Tom. He always takes the one girl I like. 2 years ago I liked a girl named Lilly. Tom found out about it and took her from me. Lille moved to America and has a new boyfriend. When I woke up I put my clothes on. I wore black jeans, a black hoodie, black jacket and a flannel around my waist. I wore a black snapback and black vans too. I think 70% of my clothes are black. I went downstairs and saw Jessica sitting at the table next to my dad. "Morning" they said. "Morning" I said. Uncle Luke came downstairs and we all eat breakfast. After talking for another 30 minutes Jessica and I went to go to school. Alex, Emery and I normally go on Friday to school on our bikes. "I don't have a bike" Jessica said. "I have an idea." I said. "You can sit on the bike handlebar (A/N: IDK how it's called) "I don't know Blake" she said. "come on, or you need to take the bus on your own." I said. She looked at me. "Fine" she sighed. I cycled to the skatepark, where Alex and Emery were waiting. Alex had his skateboard and Emery his bike. "Look what we have here, the love birds" Alex teased. "Very funny, I don't have a bike" "I have an extra skateboard in my locker at school, you can use it" Alex said to Jessica. "No thanks, I don't know how to skateboard" The guys pretended to be shocked. Jessica laughed about it. Her laugh is so cute. "We need to go or we're late." Emery said. Jessica sat back on my bikes handlebar and we went to school. Alex, Jessica and I stood at her locker. Emery had class on the other side of the school, so he went already to class. I was laughing about something that Alex said when I looked up. I saw Tom walking up to us. He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Hey Jessica" he said. "Hi Tom" she smiled. I knew Alex was looking at me. I need to stay calm. If I fight one more time I need to go out of school. "Can we work on the project tonight?" he asked. "She can't" I said. They looked up at me. "And why can I not?" Jessica asked. "Our family has a movie night every Friday." I wasn't lying. Uncle Ash, Uncle Mike, Emery and Alex always come over at Friday night and we always end up watching movies. "I'm sure I can pass one night" Jessica said. "Cool, I see you tonight at the library" Tom said. "Yeah" "I need to go" I said. Before Jessica or Alex could say something else I walked away. I heard Alex say goodbye to Jessica and hear footsteps. "Dude, What the fuck was that?" I just kept walking. "Why does Tom always need to take the girls I like" "So you say that you like Jessica" I sighed. "Yes, Yes I like her. How could I not, she has a beautiful smile, looks beautiful and has an awesome personaly." "You guys would look cute together" Alex said. I laughed. "Thanks man. I should go or I miss my class" We said goodbye to eachother and went to our own classes. 


Alex, Emery and I were waiting for Jessica. Finally she came in the cafeteria. She walked up to us. "I'm gonna eat with Tom and his friends, if that's okay" She smiled. I didn't say anything. "Yeah, okay" Emery answered. I watched Jessica walking to the table Tom was sitting at. What does he have that I don't. We stayed eating in silence. "I fucking hate him" I said, breaking the silence. "go ask her out." Alex said. Emery nodded at Alex. "I'm not scared of asking her out. But what about our dads. If I hurt her, not only her dad will murder me, but yours and mine too." "than don't hurt her" Emery said. I looked over at Toms table. Jessica was laughing at something Kyle said. Kyle is the best friend of Tom. He is different. He is much nicer and a really cool guy. We hang out sometimes at the skatepark. I used to think he was like Tom, but we needed to do a project together, and he turned out to be really cool. Tom said something to Jessica, she started laughing and Tom put his arm around her shoulder. "I'm gonna go" I said. I looked back behind me and Jessica had her head on Toms shoulder. Why can't that be me? I went to go to my next class. I was sitting in art. Jessica was sitting frond of me. "Jessica?" I asked. She looked behind her. "What' wrong?" "I want to ask you something" She nodded. "Do you, Can I, ... Can I have your red pencil?" "Yeah, sure" She gave me her red pencil. I tried to ask her out. I'm so fucking akward. 


I walked into my house. Jessica and Tom went after school to the library together. At least we have movie night today. "Hey dad!" I screamed. "Hey, Blake. The movie night is cancelled. Emery and Ashton need to go to family thing and Michael is ill. So they stay home too" My dad said. "Okay" I said. "what about uncle Luke?" "He is out somewhere, where is Jessica?" "In the library with Tom" I said. "Okay" I went upstairs. I didn't have hungry, so I didn't eat dinner. I did my pyjamas on, picked my laptop and start watching Star Wars. Jessica came home after 3 hours of watching. She came into my room. "Hey, what are you watching?" she asked. "Star Wars" I said. "Cool, do you know where my dad is?" "He went out and my dad is already sleeping" I said. After another 3 hours watching it was 1 am and I went to sleep. Hoping that tomorrow will be better.

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