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Blake's p.o.v.

It's Friday, we don't have school today. I have no idea why, but I don't complain. In another week   we have winter break. It's Christmas then. Alex and I have some new drawing stuff for Emery and got some new books for Jessica. it's not big, but they are happy with small things. We got our dads some new shirts, guitar picks and drum sticks. I ate breakfast and went upstairs. I put a black shirt, black jeans, black vans and a black jacket on. It's 10 am right now. I decided to check my mail. One mail stood out, it was one from schoo. I opened the mail and couldn't believe what they were asking. 

Hello Blake Hood,

We heard you were in a band with Alex Clifford, Emery Irwin and Jessica Hemmings. We want that your band comes playing on the Christmas party from school. Please mail back if you're interesting.


High school of Sydney.

"Jessica! Jessica!" I screamed really hard. She came running in my room. "Is something wrong?" she asked scared. Jessica was wearing a blue halter neck cutout with flowers on. "Read this" I said. She lookes over my shoulder to my computer screen. Her face was so close to mines. "No way." she said looking at me. Our faces were now inches from each other. She coughed and went to stand a little farter. "Did you tell Alex and Emery yet?" she asked. "No I'm going to text them right now." I said, picking my phone. Dude! The school asked us to play on the christmas party! I texted them both. No fucking way Alex sended back. Tell them we come Emery answered. I sended a quick okay to Emery and a yes way to Alex. 

it's an honor,

We would love to play on the christmas party,


Blake Hood, Alex Clifford, Emery Irwin and Jessica Hemmings

I sended back. "I'm going to go now." Jessica said a little akward. I nodded and went to look on YouTube. After an hour my dad came into my room. "Hey Blake, the guys are coming over to eat dinner later." he said. I nodded and he went away. "Oh dad!" I screamed and he came back into my room. "Our school asked us to play on the Christmas party" I said excided. "No way!" he said. "Did you tell them you would come?" he asked me. "Of course" I said smiling. "Good, be ready in an hour." he said to me and this time he went downstairs.

A/N: I'm sorry it's so short, but my exams are starting tomorrow and I will not have the time to post. I will post a new chapter the day of my last exam and that is for me on 23 June :)

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