I had to stay home

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Blakes p.o.v

It was later in the evening. Tom went home and I was sitting in my room, working on my biology project. My dad came in my room. "What the fuck was that Blake?" he asked standing next to me. "What was what?" I asked innocent. "You know what I mean, the glaring at Tom." he said. "Well sorry, but you know I don't like him." I said, not looking up from my computer. He sighed and went away. Or at least I thought. I heard the door closed so I thought he was away. "Listen Blake" he said standing behind me. "Jessica ... she had it hard back in America." he said. I stopped typing and turned around in my chair. "what do you mean?" "She had a boyfriend back there, his name was Ace or something." he said. It stayed silence. "What happened?" my dad was now sitting on my bed. He looked up at me. "He cheated on her ... with her best friend." I was shocked, why would someone cheat on her. She is smart, cute, funny. Everything a guy needs. "She started to got depressed. She thought that no one will ever love her. I get that you don't like Tom. But please be nice to him, for Jessica?" I nodded. "okay good. I'm gonna sleep it's 10:30 am and I need to get up really early. Don't stay up that late." he said. I nodded again, letting him know that I won't stay awake till 12 or so. "Night Blake." "Night" I said. 20 minutes later I heard my door open again. I looked over and saw Jessica in her pyjamas. "Hey, can I ask you something?" she asked with her beautiful voice. "Yeah sure" I gave her my fully attention. "What do you think about Tom?" she asked. I didn't know what to say. Should I tell her the truth. No than I would hurt her feelings. But I can't lie. 1 I can't lie because I'm bad at it and 2 I can't lie to her. "He is nice." I said, hoping she can't see I lie. "Do you really think that? I thought I saw you giving him a glare." she laughed. I laughed with her. Dammit she saw it. "I probably imagined it." she smiled. "Goodnight" she smiled and went to go away. "Goodnight" she looked back at me, smiled and left my room. I looked at the clock and it was 10: 55 am. I promised my dad I would go to bed not to late. I put an old shirt and some sweatpants on and went to bed.  


I just woke up and went to the bathroom. I put my clothes on and went back to my room. "AAH! What the fuck are you guys doing here?" I asked Emery and Alex, who were stading in my room. "Good morning to you too" Alex said. "Or dads are downstairs, so now were here." said Emery. I nodded. "So, band practise today?" I nodded once again. "You need to ask Jessica. Maybe she is going to her boyfriend." I said, angry. "You really hate him." "Yeah, he's gonna hurt Jessica. He is a player. I fucking hate him" I said. "If you hate him so much, why are you nice to him?" Emery asked. "I promised my dad." "GUYS! you're gonna be late!" uncle Mike screamed. The guys and I ran downstairs. Jessica was waiting outsite. "Finally" she sighed laughing. We all ran to the bus stop. When we were sitting in the bus I got a text from Kyle. I wouldn't come to school today. "What up?" Alex asked. I showed him my phone. "Asked what he means." Why? I waited for a respond. I want to tell you but I need to go. Alex saw the text. "What?" I struggled and sent him another text. What do you mean? After 5 minutes I still didn't get a text back from Kyle. "What do you think he means?" I asked Alex. "I don't know. We will see when we are at school." I nodded. 10 minutes later we were at school. When Jessica, Alex, Emery and I walked into the school, Jessica got a text message. I heard alot of voices and I looked over where it came from. "What's happening?" Emery asked. We all started walking to there. "My locker is there." said Jessica. She started to puch people away to go to her locker. "Sorry, excuse me. Sorry." "hey" I heard an all to fimilair voice. "Tom" I whispered to the guys. "So what do you think?" he asked. What does he mean. "Yes." she said and I heard people saying aww. The bell rang and everyone went to their class. When I finaly had the opinion to see what happened, Kyle was right, I needed to stay home. Tom put balloons in her locker and stuck some pictures and the question PROM? in her locker. I sighed and walked to my class. When I walked into class I saw Kyle. I went to sit next to him. "Did you saw?" he asked when the lesson started. I nodded. "Why does this hurt?" I asked out loud. "Because you like her. I mean I rather see you together with Jessica than Tom." "You know you're saying that about your best friend?" "Best friend? I wouldn't say we're best friend, we're just really good friends." I nodded, not really listening. "I'm sorry." he said. "Did you helped him?" I asked. He stayed silence. "You helped him didn't you?" I asked. "I'm sorry" "Why?" "I can't tell you." I groaned. "So you first you say that you rather want me to date Jessica and now you say you helped Tom with his stupied promposal?" I asked angrilly. "I know okay, but he" he stayed silence. "He what?" I asked. "He knows a secret about me and said he would tell everyone if I didn't help him." I looked shocked at him. "And you call him your friend?" "being honest ... no not really." After that we didn't say anything anymore.

" After that we didn't say anything anymore

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