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– A couple of days later – 

Jessica's P.O.V

It's almost Christmas and dad and I are going to go shopping for present. I wore black ripped shorts, a blue t-shirt with an alian on it, white shoes and an addidas snapback. "You ready?" my dad asked. "yeah" I smiled and walked to the car with my dad behind me. When we were in the car dad asked: "You already know what you want to get Alex, Emery and Blake?" "I know what I can buy for Blake. He wants a nex guitar." I said, looking at my dad. "A guitar?" he asked me. "Yes" "Fine we will look for it. What about Alex and Emery?" "Maybe signed drumsticks for Alex?" I asked. "By Billie Joe?" my dad asked laughing. "yes. And I don't know what I can get Emery." "Oh okay. We will look around" After that we started screaming the lyrics from hard times from Paramore. Hard times. Gonna make you wonder why you even try. Hard times. Gonna take you down an laugh when you cry. These lives. And I still don't know how I even survive. Hard times. Hard times. And I gotta get to rock bottom. "you're for sure my daughter." my dad said. I laughed. I learnt siging from my dad. I started singing when I was 8 years old. I met alot of my idols like Billie Joe Armstrong, Alex Gaskarth, Mark Hopus and Vic Fuentes. They all gave me tips to be a good singer. My dad told me alot about his band too. I listened to alot of his songs. I was shocked when I knew Alex, Emery and Alex never heard a song from them. "We're here" my dad said. I looked out of the window and saw we where on the parking. I smiled and got out of the car. "Where do you want to go first?" my dad asked me when he stood next to me. "I don't know, maybe that store that sells alot of band stuff?" I asked him. He nodded and we started walking. "Maybe we need to look for a last young renegade jacked. Uncle Ash told me that Emery wants one really badly." my dad said when we walked into the store. "Jackpott" I said when I saw one of the jackets hanging in the store. I run over to it and picked it up. I looked at the back and saw JB on it. It's the jacket from Jack Barakat. "What about this?" I asked my dad, who is now standing behind me. "I think it's good for Emery." he said. We looked for his measurement and we went to the cash desk and payed for the jacket. "So we have the thing we needed, let's go home." my dad joked. "Well look at that! Stores we need to look at too" I said and dragged dad with me in Forever 21. He laughed and followed me. We walked into the store and looked around. "Dad look!" I said. I hold up a black t-shirt with roses on it up. "Can I have it? Pleaseeee?" I pouted. "Why not?" my dad asked. I smiled and hugged my dad. When we walked out my dad asked: "Don't you need a dress for prom?" "Prom is in a month." I answered. "I know, but maybe you can look for it." he suggested. "Okay, but after we ate something" I smiled. He laughed and we went to eat something. "Dad do you like Tom?" I asked when we were eating pizza. He swallowed and looked up at me. "Yeah, why not?" he asked. He looked down after he said that. I knew he was doubting it. He always looked down after he said something he wasn't sure of. Maybe the guys know more about it. Or one of my uncles. I maybe need to ask that later. After we ate we went to a store. There were dresses everywhere in that store. I picked 3 dresses and went to the fitting-room. My dad was waiting outside. I put a purple dress on. The middle was away and was covered by light silk. There wasn't really any detail on the dress. I walked out the fitting-room and my dad looked up from his phone. "What do you think?" I asked him. He looked at me and his face says everything. "What do you think?" he asked me. "I don't know, it's not really my style." "There you have your answer." he smiled. I smiled back and went back in the fitting-room. I took the dress off and put the second one on. I put on a light pink dress. It had small straps around my shoulders. I walked out again. "I don't know dad" I sighed. "You don't need to buy a dress you're not comfortable in." he said. I nodded and once again put another dress on. This time a put a bright blue dress on. It has diamants around my waist and hadn't any straps. The dress wasn't tight. I walked out and once again I see my dad thinking. "I don't know Jess. It doesn't look like you. Maybe you need to like another time for a dress. We can look for heels." "Okay, I really want some white heels. It fits with most dresses." I said. I changed back to my normal outfit and we walked out of the store. We went to a store where they sell shoes. "This one. They look perfect." I said, holding up a pair of white heels. "Try them" my dad said. I tried them and they fit perfect. After we payed for the shoes, we went home. We took some chinese food with us for dinner. When we came home, uncle Calum and Blake were watching a football game. They were screaming at the TV. We really look like our parents.

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