Another side of him

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Jessica's p.o.v

I went to geography class. I still was shocked that the guys never heard one song of our dads. When I walked into class, I saw there was only one place free. Next to Tom. I sighed and went to sit next to Tom. "Hey" he said. He sound nicer than yesterday. "Hi" I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Okay guys, I'm going to give you a project. You are going to make the project with two" The class cheered. "Calm down, I'm going to pair you together" our teacher said. The teacher started to pair us. I was doodling in my textbook. I heard my name said. "Jessica and Tom" Is this a good or bad thing? "You pick a subject over something you think is pretty in the nature. You are going to make a presentation about it." The teacher said. "You can go on the computers in the back of the class to start with the project or the books in front of the class." I wanted to go to the front but Tom stopped me. Can we talk about the Angel Waterfalls? Or the Rock Waves?" He asked. "I don't know what Rock waves are." I said. He laughed. "I show you a picture" We went to the back of the class, to the computers. "That looks interesting" I said. "Yeah, I always want to go to it." He said. He really is nice. And being honest, he doesn't looks bad either. "Let's pick it." I said. After 30 minutes the class was over. "Can we meet up at the library after school?" Tom asked. "I think I need to go home after school. But maybe around 7 pm?" I asked. "Okay, I see you then" I smiled at him and went to my last class. I had P.E. After P.E. I went to the bus stop wher Alex, Emery and Blake were waiting. "Hey guys" I said. "Hey" "How was your day?" Blake asked. "Pretty good. I need to make a project with someone, so I need to got to the library after dinner." I said. "With who?" Emery asked. "Tom" I said smiling. I though I saw Blake glaring at the ground and Emery and Alex looking at him. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "No, nothing's wrong" Blake said. He said it less happy then when I came to the bus stop. I wanted to say something but the bus came. We talked about our day on the bus. When we came home I went to my room and started to do my homework. After 2 hour my dad came in my room. "Hey, food's ready" He said. "Dad, I need to do a project with someone. Can I go to the library after eating?" I asked. "Yeah, okay. But be home before 10. Okay?" I looked at the clock and it was 6:30 pm. I went downstairs and Blake, uncle Cal and dad were waiting for me. After eating for 5 minutes uncle Cal asked how school was. Blake didn't say anything. He looked sad. "It went well" I said. Blake nodded too. After dinner I did my laptop, my pencil case, my notebook and georaphy notes and book into my backpack. I put my shoes and my jacket on. "I'm going to the library!" I screamed. "Okay!" my dad screamed back. I went to the bus stop and waited for the bus. The bus came and I stepped in. I looked around and saw Tom sitting in the back. I smiled and went to sit next to him. He didn't saw me. I took one of his earphones out. He looked up and laughed. "Hey" He said. "Hi, what are you listening?" I asked. He let me see his phone and King For A Day from Pierce The Veil ft. Kellin Quinn was playing. I put the earphone that I had in my hand in my ear. He laughed. "You know them?" He asked. "I love them" you said. The library was a 20 minutes drive from the bus stop. We talked and listen to some music. He likes the same music as I do. He listen to Twenty One Pilots, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens and Bring Me The Horizon. We went into the library and looked for a table. After 5 minutes we find a table in the back of the library. "I didn't bring anything" Tom said. "No problem, I have my notepad and laptop I can take notes" "Cool, I'm gonna look for some books and you can look on your laptop." I smiled at him and he went looking for some books. He isn't that bad. Yesterday he looked like a douche, but he is really nice. "Here I found 5 books" after 15 minutes he came back. "Cool, I found 3 websites" I said. We found out how it was made and where in the world it was. I wrote everything down what we thought was important and Tom put sticky notes in the books. After 2 hours it was 9:20 pm. "I need to go, I need to be home at 10 and it's a 30 minute drive" "I go with you" I said. Tom took the books with him. I typed and wrote the information from the books. "Can I have your number? If I need to ask you something for the project." he said. I smiled and gave him my phone. He put his number in it. "Maybe you can make a text and I make the powerpoint/presentation?" I asked him. "Sound good" He said. We talked some more in the bus. About the project, music and our own lifes. He is really nice. "I need to go off" "Okay, see you tomorrow" he said. I smiled at him and went back home. "Hey, how did it go?" My dad asked when I walked into the house. "Good, we found alot about our subject." I smiled. "Good, are you done with homework? Harry Potter is on TV" He said. My favorite movie is Harry Potter. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9:10 pm. "I don't know if I'm ready. But I'm gonna wash myself and go to bed. I'm really tired" I said. My dad smiled at me. "Okay, good night, sweetie" "Night, dad" I said. I went to my room. "What are doing here?" Blake was standing in my room. "Sorry, Maw ran in here" Max is the dog. "I saw Max in the hallway" I said. "I know, he ran out. But I wanted to look at your posters" He said. "okay" "are that our dads?" he asked, looking at the 5 seconds of summer poster. "Yeah, did you asked them about it?" "No, I'm gonna see if Alex or Emery asked something to their dads tomorrow." He answered. "I should go" he smiled nervously. "Night Jess" "Night Blake" I smiled. I needed to do 3 maths questions I forgot to do. After that I washed myself. I did the make-up off my face and changed into my pyjamas. I checked social media and went to bed.

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