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Jessica's p.o.v.

It's a week after I caughts Tom cheating on me, I didn't feel better yet. Blake, Emery and Alex tried to make me happy but it didn't work. Today is the 25th December AKA Christmas. Our dads don't know that Tom cheated on me and I don't want to tell either. "Hey sweety, I forgot to ask you this, but is Tom comming too or are you going to his?" my dad came into my room. "No, we may or may not have broken up." I said. "What happened?" he asked, sitting next to me on my bed "He cheated on me." I said, not looking up from my book. "I'm sorry" he hugged me. "No problem, I'm okay." I smiled at him. "The guys are going with Kyle to the skatepark. Put some clothes on and you can go with them." I nodded and went to my closet. My dad smiled at me and walked out of my room. I put on my black and grey flannel, black ripped skiny jeans and grey converse. I sighed and went to Blakes rooms. "Hey Blake? Can I come with you to the skatepark?" I asked when I walked into his room. He was wearing black jeans, blue tanktop and black shoes. "Yeah sure." he smiled at me. His smile is cute. "Come on the guys texted me that they are waiting there." he said. Picking my hand and dragging me out of the house. I giggled and followed him to the skatepark. He had his skateboard in his hands and was talking about some things. When we walked into the skatepark, we heard laughing from the bench. I looked over and saw Kyle and Emery talking, while Alex was skating around. We were the only people here. Alex was wearing black skinny jeans, black vans, white shirt, a black beanie and a black and red flannel. Emery was wearing ripped black skinny jeans, a black My Chemical Romance tank top and black vans. And last is Kyle, he wore a green shirt, blue shorts and black converse. Blake looked at me and told me he was going to skateboard with Alex. I nodded and walked up to Kyle and Emery. "Hey guys" I smiled. "Hey, how are you doing?" Kyle asked. "okay" I said. Emery smiled at me and hugged me. "He's a douchbag anyways." Kyle said. "he's your best friend." "No he isn't, after you found out. He got angry at me and broke the friendship." "Isn't that good?" asked Emery with a smile. I looked over at Kyle and he was nodding his head with a big smile. I laughed and looked over at Alex and Emery. Being honest right now, I can't wait for celebrating Christmas tonight with these idiots.

It's evening right now, we just finished eating and are now sitting on the chouch. Or our dads and I are sitting on the chouch and the guys on the ground. "When are we going to open the presents?" Alex asked falling back on the ground. We laughed and started to open the presents. Our dads got their presents first. They liked it and gave us our presents. "Okay I want to give first" Alex said. "You mean we" Blake said. "Yeah, yeah" he said. Alex picked a present and gave it to Emery. "Ladys first" he smiled. I laughed and watched as Emery opened his present. "No, really?" he asked opening his present. "Yes, really" Blake said. Emery got new drawing stuff. Maybe not special, but is really hard to find these stuff. "Okay, now Jessica" Blake picked my present and gave it to me. I smiled at him and opened the present. It were new Harry Potter books. "I saw you didn't have these yet" Blake said. "Wait, open the books" said Alex with a big smile. I look at him and open the books. "No way" I said, looking at the autograph from J.K. Rowling. "Yes way." Blake laughed. I laughed and hugged Blake and Alex. "Okay now is mine time" I said and picked the present for Emery. He smiled at me and opened it. "okay that is cool" said Alex when he saw the jacket I got for him. "Wait till you see your present" Said my dad. I picked his present and gave it. He ripped the wrapping paper of the present and took the drumsticks out of the box. "Are you happy now?" uncle Michael asked laughing. "Thanks dude" he smiled jumping on me to hug me. "Okay Blake your present is in your room." I smiled. Alex and Emery jumped up and rushed to his room. Blake went up and went to his room. Our dads stayed downstairs. "No fucking way!" he screamed and hugged me with a big hug. "You're the best Jessica!" he smiled, kissing my cheek. I blushed and nodded. We went downstairs and Emery gave us our presents after that we watched some Christmass movies. The only question I asked myself was: why was I blushing when Blake kissed my cheek? Why did I felt save when he hugged me? And why did I wanted to hug him for longer? Do I have a crush on him?

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