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Jessica's p.o.v

I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I went out of my bed and put my clothes on. I wore black jeans, a red flannel around my waist, a tank top with the sentence: It's not just a band to me, a twenty one pilots cap and black, red, grey converse. I put my hair into braids. I walked downstairs and Blake was eating breakfast. "Morning" he said turning around. "Nice outfit" he said laughing. I looked at his outfit to see he was wearing a similar ourfit. He was wearing a grey tank top, black jeans, grey converse and a flannel around his waist. "Oh" I laughed. "I'm gonna change" I said. "No, no. I'm gonna change. You can eat breakfast, I'm already done." He said smiling at me. "thanks" I said. I made myself some cereal. Blake came downstairs and was wearing a grey T-shirt, black jeans, blue jeans jacket and blue nikes. "Looking good." I said smiling. "thanks" he laughed. "Maybe we should go to school" I said, looking at the clock in the kitchen. "Yeah" He said. "We're gonna go to school!" Blake screamed. "Okay!" My dad screamed back. Blake and I went to the bus stop. "Hey" Alex screamed when he came to the bus stop on his skateboard. He jumped off and jumped on Blakes back. I laughed and picked the skateboard of the ground. "dude, wtf!" he screamed. Emery came standing next to me. "What's going on?" he asked me. "Alex jumped on Blakes back and now your here" I said. "I sometimes question myself why I'm friends with them" He laughed. "Heard that" Alex screamed, jumping off Blakes back. The bus came and we went to school. I was talking with the guys when Kyle came up to us. "Hey guys" he said. "Hey" we said back. We talked for a couple of minutes. "I need to go" I said. "bye guys" "bye" they said. I was walking till Tom pulled me aside. "Hey" he smiled. "Hey, how are you doing?" "Good" He smiled. We were talking about the project that we need to finish for Thursday. While we were talking he put his arm around my shoulder. I didn't do anything, I liked it. 

Blakes p.o.v

When Jessica went away Kyle said: "You need to ask her this week" "Why?" I asked. "Tom is gonna try to win her heart this week" I looked over at Jessica, who was standing with Tom. They were talking and Tom put his arm around her. She didn't do anything. She likes it? "All good and well, but what if I ask her and she says no. We live together, that's fucking akward." I said. "I'm just saying dude. I need to go or I'm to late for the class." He said. "Bye Kyle" we said. We looked at Jessica and Tom, they were smiling at each other. "It looks like they like each other" Emery said. "Thanks for the hope dude" I said. The bell rang and we went to our classes. I had geography, Emery had math and Alex PE. I didnt really listen to the teacher. I mostly thought about Jessica. Why does this need to happen to me. 


I was sitting next to Jessica. Alex and Emery were sitting in front of us. "We're going to the music store, I'm gonna watch if I can a new guitar" I said to Jessica. "You're coming with us?" "Yeah, sure" She smiled at me. The music store was a 50 minute drive from the school. After an hour we were at the music store. We walked in and Jessica and I went to look at the guitars. Alex was looking at the cds and Emery was just looking around. "What abour this one?" she asked pointing at a black guitar. "I like it, but I want an other colour" I said. "What about the blue one?" she asked pointing at an other guitar. "These is perfect" I said looking at the price. "Yeah, I can't pay that" I said. The guitar is £572,99. "I need to save money for it" "Or you ask for it when it's Christmas" Jessica said laughing. The guys, Jessica and I hang around for an hour and went back home. The drive is 30 minutes from the music store and home. There was traffic and we stay in the bus for 2 extra hours. It's 9 pm right now and Emery was sleeping against the window. Alex was making homework, because he promised uncle Michael to do his homework before 10 pm. They're gonna watch a superhero marathon. It doesn't really matter to them that we have school tomorrow. Alex can be sleepy in the morning, but when it's 9 am, he is his happy energetic self. I was reading in the book for English and Jessica fell asleep on my shoulder. I didn't do anything, I liked it. When we stopped at our bus stop. Emery was awake and we woke Jessica up. "See you tomorrow guys" I said to Emery and Alex. Jessica and I walked into the house. There was spaghetti on the counter. We warmed it up and ate it. Our dads were in the studio. "I'm gonna shower" Jessica said. I nodded and went to the living room. I watched a movie. Max was sitting next to me. When the movie was done it was 11 pm. I walked up to my room and the door of Jessicas room was open. I looked in and saw her asleep on her bed, with a math book next to her. I smiled to myself and went inside her room. Max followed me into the room. I took the book of her bed and put it on her desk. She was already wearing her pyjamas. I put the blanket over her body and went away. I looked behind me and saw Max lying on her bed. I let him be and closed the door. I went to my room, put my pyjamas on and went into my bed.

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