Shopping (again)

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Jessica's p.o.v

It's been a couple of days since we met Jayne. I asked her number and we are basically best friends now. It was a Saturday morning and I was eating breakfast. After I was done eating I went to my room and changed into my clothes. I changed into black jeans and black converse and I wore a tanktop with a planet and spacey on it. After I got dressed I sat on my bed and started to read the harry potter books I got from the guys for Christmas. My dad and uncles were out doing whatever they are doing, Kyle, Emery and Alex were in the skatepark with Kyle. Jayne wasn't there 'cause she didn't like skateboarding. But that doesn't mean she stopped Kyle from doing it. They are so cute together. I was reading the book for 1 hour and my phone went off. I looked at it and it was a text from Jayne. Hey girl!! I NEED YOUR HELP!! I giggled at the text and sended one back. What's the problem? After a couple of second I got a text back. I need a dress for prom and you need to help me find it with me. I didn't know what to text back. I looked over at my closet and the white heels I bought for prom stood there. HELLO!! ARE YOU STILL THERE?! I looked at my phone and sended a text back: yeah, I will be at the mall in 10 minutes. I can't put Jayne down 'cause I'm not going to prom and I promised it her the day we met. Yeah!! you're the bestest best friend ever. I smiled at the text and went to the mall. After a ten minute walk I came to the mall. I wanted to text Jayne that I was here but she already jumped on my back. "Thank you so much" she smiled at me. "Oh by the way, I need new heels too." I smiled. "You're so lucky to go to prom with Kyle" I smiled at her. "I know" she laughed and went of my back. We started talking and walking into the mall. We were looking around when Jayne saw a cute shop. "there, let's look there" said Jayne. She pulled me into the store and we started to look around. "this one" she said, picking out a beautiful white dress. It was long and had lace on the top. There were cut outs on both sides, so your legs could be seen. And you could see some more lace there. "That one is so beautiful. Try it on" I said, puching her to the changing rooms. She laughed at me and went changing into the dress. After a couple of minutes she came out into the dress. "What do you think?" she asked with an unsure look. "I don't know, it's a beautiful dress. But I don't think it fits you." I honestly said. "I think it too. Actually I think it fits you better." she smiled, turning around to look at me. "I'm not going to prom." I said, looking down at the floor. "You have a month left to find a guy and maybe you can go with Emery, Alex or Blake if they don't have a date. Plus I just really want to see you in this dress." "What if they find a girl to go with?" I asked, not looking her in the eyes. "then you come with us as a friend. And being honest, I think there is at least one of the boys who is not going to have a date." she laughed. I looked up and said: "how do you know that" "Well, they are not really talking about asking out girls so ... now try on the dress." she smiled. Pulling me into the changing room next to her. I took my clothes of and waited for her to throw throw the dress in my changing room. She gave the dress and I put it on and walked out. Jayne was standing there waiting on me in her regulair clothes: her white Levi's shirt and a jeans skirt. "Oh my god Jessica. You look so hot." she said, she turned me around to the mirror and I was shocked. I actually look hot. "You need to take this, you are going to be mad at yourself if you don't buy it." I looked at myself and smiled up at her. "I buy it" I smiled. She jumped up and hugged me. After we bought the dress, we found another store that sells prom dresses. I was looking around when I saw the perfect prom dress for Jayne. I called her over and she smiled at me. I stood before her with a long red dress with little diaments on the top part. She tried it on and it was perfect for her. "Do you think Kyle is going to love it?" she asked me, when she came out the changing room with the dress in her hands. "Yes, you look hot and beautiful at the same time in that dress." when she was paying for the dress the cashier asked if she wanted to see the shoes that fitted with the dress. Jayne said yes and the cashier went to get the shoes. "Well, we don't need to look for shoes now anymore." said Jayne when they came back with the heels. It were black heels and the sole was red. I laughed and she bought the heels as well. When we were walking out the mall, Jayne started talking. "This is going to be the best prom ever" she smiled. "Yes, for me too if I find a guy." I sighed. "trust me Jessica, you are going to find someone to go to prom with." she smiled, kissing me on the cheek. We said goodbyes and went differents ways to go home. How can she be so possitife in life? Kyle chose a good girl and I got a good best friend. I thought to myself smiling. 

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