Slumber party

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Jessica's p.o.v

I'm so excited, Jayne is comming over for a slumber party. It's the weekend after our first concert. "Hey! I'm sleeping over at Kyles house!" I heard Blake scream. "Okay!" I heard our dads scream back. After a couple of minutes I heard someone knocking on the door. "I'll get it!" I screamed running downstairs and opening the door. I pulled Jayne in and gave her a hug. "Hey girl" she laughed. I smiled and pulled her to my room. She laughed and followed me into my room. "Wow, your room is so cool" she said. The walls in my room are white, I have my bed in the corner and I have posters on my walls. I have a Bring Me The Horizon flag above my bed and fairy lights around my bed. My window is next to the flag and then comes my desk. I have a big book case in the corner of my room. And a closet next to it. "Thanks" I smiled. "So what are we going to do?" she laughed. "I don't know, maybe change into our pyjamas and watch a movie" I said, pointing to the TV that was on the end of my bed. "Yeah sure." she said. We changed into our pyjamas. She wore a white top with a white and blue shorts. I wore blue pyjamas with white planets and ufos on. On the shirt stood give me space. Jayne start laughing. "We match." I looked down at my pyjamas and up to hers and smiled. "Okay, which movie are we going to watch?" "Mabye a disney movie?" i nodded and we picked the little mermaid. After the movie we made some popcorn and went to my room again. "okay, so how are things with Kyle?" I asked Jayne, eating some popcorn. "Awesome, he is so sweet and he's the best boyfriend ever." she told me with a big smile on her face. "What about you and Blake?" she asked me. "What do you mean, we're not together." "Really, you would look so cute when you are a couple." she laughed. "Thanks, I guess." "What do you think about Emery and Alex being together?" she asked once again. And once again I was confused. "They aren't together." "Yes, they are. I saw them kissing. Wait they never told you?" she asked shocked. "Well no, but I caught them looking at each other with love, so they are cute" We laughed and talked more about school, music and more.

Blakes p.o.v

I waited till Kyle opened the door. "Hey dude." he said leading me to his room. Alex and Emery were there playing video games. "Hey guys" I said, they nodded at me but didn't look up from the tv. "So did you asked her already?" Kyle asked me. When Jayne and Jessica went shopping for a prom dress, the guys and I were at the skatepark. We talked about alot of things and one of them was Jessica, not in a bad way. We talked about Tom and shit. Then Kyle asked me with who Jessica is going to prom. I said I didn't know and the guys told me I should ask her. "No I don't know how she would react. "She would be happy, you're like best friends." said Alex, still playing his game. "Prom is next week, you should ask her" said Emery. I sighed. "Okay I do it, but who are you going with?" "Yeah, I mean I have Jayne, Blake has Jessica. What about you guys?" asked Kyle. "I don't know, I don't even know if I go." said Emery. "Yeah me neither" I let it go and watched them playing the video games. "We should look for a suit for you." said Kyle. "I pick an old suit from my dad."

(A/N: sorry that it's so shitty :P)

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