First date

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Jessica's p.o.v.
It's a week after prom. Blake and I aren't official... yet. After prom he asked me out on a date. It's Friday and I just came home from school. It's almost 5 pm and Blake is away for I don't know what. I wanted to put on my clothes for the date, but I have no idea what we are going to do. So I texted Blake and asked him what we're going to do. It's a suprise. I rolled my eyes at his respond but smiled too. Well how can I know what to wear if you're not telling me were we are going? I sended back. After a minute I got a text back. Dress like you normally do :). I send an okay and looked through my closet. I put on a jeans short, a grey tank top with image on the front. I put on white and grey converse. I put my hair up into a messy bun after 15 minute I was ready. I sit on my bed and start reading after 20 minutes of reading I heard a knock on my door. I put my book down and opened the door. There stood Blake with a cheesy smile and a rose in his hand. "Hey" he smiled. "This is for you." he said, giving me the rose. I smiled and said: "Thanks." I picked the rose and kissed his cheek. I went back into my room and put the rose with the other flowers I had in my room. He smiled at me and we went out of the house. Uncle Cal and dad were in the living room watching a movie. "Where are you going?" uncle Cal asked. The thing is our dads don't know that we kissed on prom or that Blake asked me out on a date. I looked over at Blake and he said: "We're gonna hang out with Emery, Alex, Kyle and Jayne." I looked at our dads and nodded my head. "Okay" they said and watched the movie. I smiled up at Blake and he took my hand, leading me out of the house. "So what are we going to do?" I asked. "You will see" I playfully rolled my eyes and he laughed at my action.

We were walking for an half hour right now. "We're almost there" He smiled. Leading me on a little dirty pad. We walked into a wood. "And we're here" he smiled walking under a tree. He put a hand over my mouth. Infront of us was a lake, on the sand was a blanket and a picnic basket. "It's not much, but I hope you like it" said Blake, leading me to the blanket.

 "It's not much, but I hope you like it" said Blake, leading me to the blanket

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"It's perfect" I said sitting down. "Thanks, the guys tried to help me, but Jayne did most of the work." he laughed. He opened the basket and pulled two fruit cups and two forks out. "So they know that we're on a date?" I asked while opening the cup. "Yes, I couldn't do this without them. I think Jayne was more excited over the date then you are. We ate the fruit and laughed over childhood stories, like the time he, Alex and Emery broke uncle Ash drums or how I once brought a bird home and how I nursed him till his little wing was okay again. And all without my dad knowing it. After that we ate some sandwiches and as desert some brownies. "Did you made this brownies?" I asked, already knowing that he didn't. He laughed. "No, Jayne made it, but I made the sandwiches." He said, flipping his non-excisted hair. I laughed and once again kissed his cheek. We laughed and he took my hand in his. "Hey, can I ask you something?" "You already did" he laughed . "Okay, Do you maybe want to I don't know be my girlfriend?" he asked. I smiled at him and give him a peck on the lips. "Of course, I would love to be your girlfriend." He smiled and we hugged really thight. "So are we gonna tell our dads?" I asked him. "Let's wait for a couple of days. Or maybe months." He laughed.

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