This can't be happening

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Jessicas p.o.v

I woke up at 5 am. I tried to go back to sleep but it didn't work. I decided to put my clothes on and do my make-up. I don't wear a lot of make-up. Mostly because I don't have enough time in the morning to do it. I put on a blue flower dress with blue converse with a flower on the side. I don't like wearing heels. I put on a natural make-up on my eyes and put on and some pink lipglose on my lips. When I was done with doing my make-up and put my clothes on it was 5:30 am. I decided to think about ideas for the geography presentation with Tom. We decided to meet up after school today. When it was 6:30 am I went downstairs and made some cereal. My dad and uncle Cal were eating cereal too. "Hey, I'm going to the library after school." I said to my dad. He nodded with a full mounth of cereal. Blake came downstairs without a shirt on. Damn he looked good. After a couple of minutes Blake put his clothes on and we went to the bus stop. Alex and Emery were already there. In the bus we just talked about stuff we saw online. I was now sitting in English, Tom was sitting next to me. "We're still gonna work on the project in the library after school?" He asked. "Yeah" I smiled. He smiled back. His smile is really pretty. English was really bored so Tom and I talked the whole time. He told me funny storys of his childhood. We laughed alot. It's now lunch and was sitting at the table with Emery and Kyle. "I need to go, Tom's here" Kyle smiled. "see you later man" Emery said. I smiled at Kyle and he went away. "I didn't know you were friends." I said to Emery. "Yeah, he did a project with Blake and he's a skater." Emery said. "Cool" "What's cool?" Alex ask sitting at the table with Blake. "Kyle is a skater." I said. "I skate too" he said lauhging. Winking at me. I started laughing. "I know and you're really good." I didn't mind him doing it. I don't like him like that and he doesn't like me like that. I saw Emery looking a little mad and upset. He looked at Alex and he looked back. He smiled at him and Emery smiled back. I looked over at Blake and he was already looking at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I picked my geography book out of my locker and put it in my backpack. "Hey, are we gonna go to the library together?" Tom came up to me. "Yeah sure" I said. We walked to the bus stop. Emery, Alex and Blake were standing across from us. I waved at them and they waved back. I'm sure that Blake gave Tom an angry look. When we were in the library we worked on a powerpoint for our project. Tom had his laptop with him so we sat in the back of the library. We were laughing all the time. "So I do that" pointing at the pages I needed to do "and you do this?" I ask, pointing at the things Tom needed to say. "Yes" he smiled. He stared at me for a while. I started blushing. I'm pretty sure my cheeks are red. "You're really pretty, you know that?" He asked. At this point my face is red. I looked up at him and saw him looking at me. He started leaning in. Are we gonna kiss? I realised I was leaning in too. He put his hand on my neck and puts his lips on mine. I kissed him back. When we pulled away I smiled up at him. I smiled at me. "You're really cute when you're blushing." He said smiling. 

Blakes p.o.v.

I saw Tom and Jessica standing acros the street. Jessica waved at us and we waved back. I gave Tom an angry look, hoping Jessica doesn't see it. Our bus came. "Dude you need to ask her out. You know what Kyle told you. Tom's trying to get her in this week." Alex said. I sighed. "I know. I'm just scared it would be akward. And I'm living with her and her dad." I said. "Okay, yeah. We get that. But you're perfect for her. You would look cute together." Emery said. Alex nodded.  "Are you coming over for video games?" Alex asked me and Emery. "I can't. Need to go to the library for a book for Biology." I said. "Biology?" Alex asked. "We need to researched an animal." I said. "Maybe you're gonna see Tom and Jessica" Emery said. "I don't know if that is positive or negative thing." I said laughing at him. "What about you?" Alex asked Emery. "Can't, I promised my neighbour I would look after her son." "You, babysitting?" I asked. "I need money." he said. "You can come. I mean I need to babysit a guy. He probably likes video games. My neighbour said I could bring friends" "Cool, I'm coming." We talked for a while. When I came home, I did some research on what animal I'm gonna pick. We got a page with all the questions we need to answer. We could use google, but we need to use at least 2 books. I decided to pick a crocodile. I don't know why. I picked my backpack and went away. My uncles were over at our house. "Were are you going?" Uncle Michael asked. "Library" I said. The guys nodded and watched the news further.   I picked my bike and went to the library. After 20 minutes I was at the library. I walked into the library and looked for some books about crocodiles. I found 3 books about the subject. When i wanted to leave I heard a fimilair voice. "You're really pretty, you know that?" It was Tom. Is he flirting with Jessica? I walk around the bookshelf and saw them sitting at a table. I know it's wrong, but I needed to see this. Tom was leaning in. Are they gonna kiss? Jessica is leaning in too. This can't be happening. Tom put his hand on her neck and pulled her in. Their lips touched. They kissed. I felt my heart break. I finally like a girl again and Tom picks her from me. They pulled away and smiled at each other. "You're really cute when you're blushing." Tom said smiling. At least Jessica is happy. I walked away and went back home.

 I walked away and went back home

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