His girl

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Jessica's p.o.v.
It's still break from school. I feel much better now, thanks to the guys. The guys and I are going to hang out with Kyle. The guys and I were walking to his house. "Why did he want to hang out in his house? We normally hang out at the skatepark." said Alex. "Why would we know?" asked Blake. Emery and I started laughing. We stood infront of Blake's house, waiting for him to open the door. The door opened and there stood Kyle with a big smile. "Hey guys, come in." he said. We came into his house and he lead us to his room. "This is my room" he said, opening the door. We walked in and his room looked awesome. He had graffiti on his walls. He had a bunk bed (IDK how it's called) and had a tv and sofa under his bed. It wasn't big, but it was good enough. And his room was awesome. "Dude, this is awesome." said Alex and sat on the sofa. Kyle laughed and nodded "thanks" "so why did you want to hang out here?" asked Emery, sitting next to Alex. "I want you to meet someone but she isn't here yet." he smiled the biggest smile I ever saw on him. Kyle sat next to Emery and Blake and I went to sit infront of them on the ground. Kyle and Alex started to play video games. They played for 10 minutes and then the doorbell rang. Kyle jumped up and went to open the door. "Hey baby." we heard him say. "hey babe." we heard a girls say. I looked over at the guys and they were looking at each other with a smirk. I giggled and waited till Kyle and the mysterious girl came into his room. After 5 minutes he came into his room. "Jayne, these are my best friends: Emery, Alex, Blake and Jessica. Guys this is my girlfriend Jayne." he told Jayne while pointing to each of us. "Hey" we all said. Jayne had ginger/red hair and freckles over her face. She had dark brown eyes and wore a really cute dress. "hey" she smiled back. "I love your dress." I smiled standing up and walking over to her. "Thanks, I got it in Forever 21" she smiled. "I really need to look there." I smiled at her. "I'm glad you like each other" said Kyle. He went back to sit next to Emery but Blake beat him first. He rolled his eyes and went to sit on the ground. Jayne and I were talking while we sat on the ground. Jayne next to Kyle and me next to her. "I recognize you from somewhere." Alex said to Jayne. "Maybe 'cause we sit together in art?" she laughed. "Oh yeah" we laughed with Alex and started to ask question. "So how did you met?" asked Emery. Kyle started the story. "I needed to do a project with her brother and we started hanging out together and now we're together" "Wai how long are you guys together?" asked Emery them. "Almost 6 months." said Jayne. "Wait, wait, wait. You have a girlfriend for almost half a year and never told us?" asked Alex, pretending to be hurt. We laughed and talked further. "So how did he asked you out?" I asked Jayne. "The first time?" "Yes" "He just texted me" Jayne told me. "Wow, really romantic Kyle" I said to him. He laughed at what I said. The guys laughed too and they started to play some video games. Jayne and I were still talking while they were playing games. "He can be romantic though" whispered Jayne into my ear. "Really? What did he do?" I asked her quietly. "He asked me out to prom in the most romantic way ever." she smiled. "How?" I asked. She smiled and started telling me how he asked her. "One of my friends took me out to hang out and when I came back home my brother led me to our garden. My brother held my eyes closed so I couldn't see anything. When he took his hands away there were fairy lights and they spelled out PROM. It was so cute!" she smiled the biggest smile ever. I wasn't thinking, but after 5 minutes it caught me. Prom! Tom asked me out to prom. And dad already bought me heels for it. What am I going to do now? "Are you going to prom?" asked Jayne. "I don't know, a guy asked me but we already broke up." I told her. "why?" "I'm still looking for a dress and maybe you can help me found one." "I love to help you to find a dress for you." I smiled at her. "AH! Thank you!" she smiled and hugged me. "and maybe we can find a guy who would love to go out with you to the prom." said Jayne. She is one of the sweetest girls I ever met. You got a good one Kyle, he has a good taste.

 You got a good one Kyle, he has a good taste

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