Chapter Six: The Wrong Things

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"Who are you?" the man growled at me.

Before I could speak, Oliver exclaimed, "Wait!"

I didn't look back at him, but I did reply, "What the hell is going on, Oliver? Do you know this guy?"

"Chill," he said and he walked over to us calmly. He smiled slightly at the man. "Hi, Isaac. It's good to see you again."

The man looked over at Oliver and slowly put down his gun. "Oh, it's just you. Where's Luke?"

"What the hell is going on?" I repeated loudly. I hate it when people don't listen to you. Especially if they're leaving you out with some information you desperately want.

"This is Isaac Goldstein," Oliver explained. "He's the bodyguard of Luke's family. We three all have bodyguards, but Chris and Luke have only one bodyguard for their family. Not like mine... where we each have one."

I lowered my gun and studied Isaac. He was tall, with light brown hair and mysterious grey eyes. He looked at me, checked me out and suddenly apologized. I was surprised that he did so.

"I didn't know Oliver had a friend that knows how to use a gun," he said conversationally, shrugging his very broad shoulders. "And I haven't seen you before, too."

"She's my new bodyguard," Oliver told him.

Isaac raised his eyebrows. "Really? I didn't expect your parents to give you a female bodyguard. And someone younger."

"First of all," I said, trying to sound tough, "I am not younger than Oliver. We are the same age. And what the hell is your problem with female bodyguards? That's just so sexist."

"I didn't say anything," Isaac said, with a bored and lazy smile spreading across his face. He actually looked handsome, but he's too old for me. He's like the same age as Michael. "But it is good to meet you. Your name is?"

"Rebecca Georges," I replied.

"Well, as you know, I'm Isaac Goldstein and I'm the Chambers' bodyguard. You're going to see more of me when you hang out with Luke." Then he suddenly frowned. "What are you two doing here, anyway? Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Yes, but Patricia is coming back and we've thrashed her house last night," Oliver said. "No big deal."

Isaac shook his head disapprovingly. "Where are Luke and Chris?"

"Fixing the house, cleaning up the evidences we had a party there," Oliver said with a smirk. "By the way, Gregory's there. We fed him and changed his diapers. It's your turn to look out for him while Rebecca and I go to school."

"Sometimes I hate my job," Isaac muttered. "But fine. You go ahead. It was nice meeting you, Rebecca."

"And you, too," I replied.

Oliver and I grabbed our bags and we went inside his car. I sat down on the passenger's seat while he on the driver's seat. He started the engine, but didn't drive away. "Where are we going?" he asked, looking at me.

"Um, school?"

"Do you want to go somewhere else? I know I want to."

I glared at him. "I had missed two hours of my precious school hours because of something I didn't want to do. Drive. Me. To. School. Now."

He actually had the nerve to smirk at me. "Yes, but if I drive you to school, I still have the choice to go somewhere else. And you have to be there with me because you're my bodyguard."

"I hate you."

"You know you love me," he said girlishly and winked. "So, come on! Where do you want to go?"

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