Chapter Thirty-Two: The Heartbreaking News

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A week had gone by and I was still depressed.

I haven’t gone to school, despite the final exams. My friends kept calling my phone, but I don’t answer them. My roommates tried to ask me what’s going on with my life but I just give them a blank stare and they would stop. I haven’t been in touch with Oliver for the week. I was too hurt and scared to do so.

And I haven’t even visited my brother’s court trial, even though I know he’s going to plead guilty.

I was lying on my bed in a Wednesday morning, listening to my music from my phone. I was wearing my earphones, so I didn’t hear when somebody knocked on my door. It was locked so the knocker didn’t open the door. The knock got louder.

With an angry huff, I pulled off my earphones and stormed to the door. I unlocked it and swung it open. Jane was standing outside, her face filled with worry. I pursed my lips at her. “What are you doing here? I told Martha I—” I began.

“Would not be disturbed, I know,” she cut me off. “But I insisted. I want to talk to you.”

“Do you think I want to talk?” I said quietly. I know I’m being a bitch, but see, if you’re in my position and your brother is in jail and your boyfriend (was he still my boyfriend?)  isn’t speaking to you then you’d be a bitch to everyone.

Hurt flashed through her eyes. “Please, Rebecca, give me a chance. I didn’t tell anyone I’d be here.”

“Not even Chris?”

“Not even Chris,” she confirmed.

With a little bit of hesitation, I opened the door wider so she could get in. She smiled at me gratefully and went inside my room. I sighed and closed the door. I walked back to my bed and sat there as Jane stood awkwardly in the center of my room. My room was practically my house since I didn’t get out of it except for meals. Needless to say, it was quite dirty.

“Sit wherever you like,” I said unhelpfully.

She sat down on a chair and looked at me seriously. “How are you?”

“I’m good,” I replied and put on the covers around me. It wasn’t cold, but I just wanted to be comfortable. “How about… how about you guys?”

“Well, we’re okay. Hopefully, we passed the exams. It was quite hard. And without you to help us, well, we’re screwed,” she said to ease the tension between us.

It didn’t work. “So I take it that you know…”

Jane shuffled uncomfortably in her seat. “Yes. We know.”

“Oliver told you?”

“No. We found out when we visited in the hospital. It was Mrs. Hoffman who told us. Oliver’s not speaking to anyone, too.”

“Is he still in the hospital?”

“Yes, but the doctor already told him he could leave any time.”

I didn’t reply after that. It was quiet between us and I didn’t do anything to keep the conversation going. I wasn’t in the mood to talk, and since it was Jane who went here to talk to me, she should be the one to make the first move.

“Seriously, Rebecca, will you please stop this?” she suddenly blurted out, standing up from her chair.

I frowned at the tone of her voice. “Stop what?” I demanded, even though I know what she meant.

“This!” she said, throwing her hands for emphasis. “You’re depressed, I get that. I know that your brother is in jail and that Oliver and you have some couple problems. But ignoring them and pretending that it didn’t happen won’t help! Stop moping around like a child and act like a grown-up!”

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