Chapter Thirty: The Sister Code

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“Rebecca, wake up! There’s something we need to tell you!”

I opened one eye and saw Jane looking at me excitedly. I groaned and rolled over, willing myself to go back to sleep. “You can tell me later. I need to go back to my beauty sleep.”

“Rebecca, come on. Don’t be like this!”

“I really need my sleep,” I insisted childishly.

“Oliver’s awake.”

This time, both of my eyes opened and I looked at my best friend. She was grinning widely and nodding enthusiastically. “He woke up two hours ago. We were trying to get hold of you but your phone’s dead.”

“Oh my God, I-I have to go to the hospital immediately,” I said, scrambling out of my bed to grab my jeans and a clean shirt.

“Oliver’s been asking for you as soon as he woke up,” Jane continued while I was changing my clothes. “He also told the police with what he knew – but it doesn’t really help. We don’t have any evidences that Isaac could be the stalker. It was a gang who beat up Oliver and they were all masked so we don’t know them.”

I stopped moving when Jane mentioned the stalker. The conversation from last night gave me a jolt. It seemed so long ago when my brother admitted being the stalker. I turned to look at Jane. When she saw my serious expression, her smile slowly faded. “What’s wrong, Rebecca?”

“Isaac is not the stalker.”

“What? But you told me it was him,” she said. “And we have lots of evidences against him. Like my phone that I left in the car he was driving, and why he isn’t in his apartment right now.”

“I know who the stalker is, and it’s not him,” I said. “I-I met up with him last night.”

Jane’s eyes widened. “Then who is?”

“I-I can’t tell you.”

“Why not? You have to tell the police! You’re going to be in a big trouble if you won’t tell them. Plus, don’t you want that person to be locked up because he hurt your boyfriend?”

“Yes, but I can’t just betray him.”

“Was it someone you know?” she asked and when I didn’t answer, she gasped. “It is someone you know! My God, Rebecca, you have to tell the authority right now.”

“The stalker has a good reason why he had done that,” I snapped at her without thinking. Then I realized what I just said. Was I siding with Michael now?

“What are you talking about?” Jane said disbelievingly. “Why do you think the stalker is right?”

“I’m not saying he’s right,” I backpedalled. “What I’m saying is he has a good reason why he’s doing this. Mr. Hoffman is acting so innocent, but he isn’t.”

“So this is his fault?”

“Yes!” I exclaimed. “And his son is paying for his sins.”

Jane studied me, measuring the odds whether she could believe me or not. Then she shook her head. “Why don’t you tell me on our drive to the hospital? Chris is with me, maybe you can tell us what the stalker told you.”

“Fine,” I said and slipped on my jacket.

I followed her out of my room. My roommates weren’t in the living room, except for Dianna and she was wearing her pajamas. I realized it was only one-thirty in the morning and my friends made an effort to drive all the way to my dorm just to tell me that Oliver’s awake.

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