Chapter Thirteen: The Hoffman's Party

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“Are you sure you don’t want a ride?” Oliver asked, as he gathered his suitcase on his hands. “I’d happily take you to your apartment, if you want.”

“That’s nice of you, but my brother would be here soon,” I replied. “I’ll just see you in the party tonight? You’re sure you’re going to be safe, right? I mean, I wouldn’t be in trouble?”

He smirked. “You do care about me.”

“I’m your bodyguard,” I answered, giving him a look.

“But, yes, I’d be okay. The family bodyguard, Steve, would pick me up. He’s outside, by the way. You should get to know him. You know, exchange tips about being bodyguards.”

“Ha-ha,” I said, not really laughing. “Well, you better go on. You don’t want to Steve to die waiting for you.”

“See you later,” he said and gave me a final smile. Then he left without another word.

I turned around and saw Jane, still talking with Chris and Luke. We’ve finally arrived at New York, and I have to admit, I missed it. Even though I don’t really like New York because it’s very crowded and noisy, it’s still home. I’ve been here since I was a kid and I love being a true New Yorker.

Jane’s staying with me in my brother’s apartment. Chris and Luke were going to a hotel while Oliver, of course, would be staying with his parents. I walked towards the trio, breaking their conversation. “Michael would be here in five minutes,” I told Jane. “Let’s better wait outside.”

“Okay,” she replied. Then, blushing slightly, she waved at Chris goodbye. “I’ll see you later at the party.”

“I don’t have a goodbye?” Luke snorted disbelievingly.

Jane chuckled. “Later, Luke.”

“That’s all?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

We bade the boys goodbye and Jane and I went outside the airport to wait for Michael. It was her first time to be in New York and she wanted to do a million things. We’re going to stay for the weekend. We’d be returning in Monday, and tomorrow would be Sunday. I planned to take Jane to the Central Park and then maybe we’re going to watch a Broadway show.

“There really are lots of people in New York. Even just in the airport,” Jane said conversationally, flipping her bangs to the other side. “Oh my God, what kind of constellations would be here for me?”

I grinned at her enthusiasm. “Good luck with finding constellations in New York. It’s the city that never sleeps, remember? Maybe you’d confuse a star with a normal light.”

“Maybe you’re right. But I’ll still look later.”

A black sedan stopped just in front of us. I knew in just one glance that it was my brother, Michael. I was so excited to see him. What, it has been two or three weeks since I’ve last seen him?

Michael got out of the car and grinned when he saw me. “Rebecca!”

“Michael!” And then he was running towards me and burying me into a hug in a matter of seconds. He still looked the same. He was wearing normal clothes, thank God. Not one of those suits he sometimes wore reserved for work.

“I can’t believe I missed you this much!” he laughed, ruffling my hair. As far as I know, he’s the only person who’s allowed to do that. And maybe Oliver, too, since he does it even without my permission. “Chicago didn’t change you?”

I shook my head. “Nope. Still a New Yorker, I’m afraid.”

He noticed Jane standing beside me and smiled. “So you must be Jane Queens. I’ve heard a lot about you,” he said. Then he offered his hand. “I’m Michael Georges, Rebecca’s older brother. It’s nice to meet you.”

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