Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Real Reason

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The stalker wasn’t exaggerating.

Oliver suffered serious injuries – three broken ribs, right broken arm, a destroyed nose, his left eye would stay close for a week or so for reasons I don’t want to find out, and more. The doctors told us that he was beaten up roughly by a gang – not only one person. The police went to Isaac’s apartment to see if he’s there, but he wasn’t. This made me think that he really was responsible for everything.

I was outside Oliver’s room. His parents were inside, and were talking to the doctor privately. Chris, Luke and I were sitting on the chairs quietly, not making any noise except for our breathing.

I was gripping my right wrist with my left hand tightly that my knuckles were turning white. I was nervous, hoping that Oliver would be okay. Well, he’s a strong person and he doesn’t give up easily. He will be okay.

“Did they find Isaac?” Chris asked Luke, turning to him slowly.

Luke let out a breath and shook his head. “No. They haven’t seen him yet,” he said. He added, “I still can’t believe that he had done this all.”

“The police don’t have any good evidences yet,” Chris said, shrugging his shoulders. “But he’s not in his apartment, which means he’s out hiding. Do your parents know?”

“Not yet. But they would know soon enough.”

“Oliver’s accident would be in the news, wouldn’t it?” I said, my voice hoarse since I wasn’t using it a lot. “I mean, his father is very famous… He’d be the center of attention for awhile.”

“I doubt that,” Chris said, shaking his head. “His parents wouldn’t want to let this out to the media so they’d be paying the hospital extra for privacy.”

I nodded. “Oliver wouldn’t want to have his face in TV like that. He’d be so embarrassed,” I said with a tiny smile.

“Yeah, he wouldn’t want that,” Luke said, cracking a small smile too.

The door of Oliver’s room opened and out came Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman with Dr. Martinez. The three of them were wearing grim expressions and my heart thudded angrily in my chest. Luke stood up from the seat and asked, “Would Oliver be okay?”

Dr. Martinez nodded. “He would be, but it’ll take weeks for him to be normal again.”

Luke sighed in relief. “Thank God.”

“We expect the hospital would not breathe a word to anyone about my son here,” Mr. Hoffman told the doctor. “I don’t want to attract the media.”

“You could count on us, Mr. Hoffman.”

Dr. Martinez shook hands with Mr. Hoffman and then nodded in our direction before leaving us. Mrs. Hoffman smiled slightly, which reassured me a little bit that everything could be back to normal again. “Well, everything’s going to be okay. You three better go home and rest. You haven’t got a proper sleep since yesterday.”

“And Rebecca,” Mr. Hoffman called my name as the three of us were about to turn, “you’re still fired. You can visit my son… as a friend now, but you can’t guard him anymore.”

I hesitated for a short time and then nodded. “Fine.”


I wasn’t ready to go home just yet. I took a cab to Jane’s house, since I wanted to talk to her, and of course, to tell her who I really was. Jane’s one of the most closest friend I ever had and may be the only close girl friend that I will have, and she deserved the truth. I was not the person she thought I was.

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