Chapter Nine: The Theme Song

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“I seriously need some help,” I declared as I arrived back at the dormitory.

The girls were at home, though Martha was nowhere to be seen. Thalia was the first one who stood up and looked at me with a weird expression. “Where are your clothes?” she asked, surprised.

“It was stolen by a seagull,” I replied shortly. “I need your help. The three of you.”

Alice blinked. “Uh, what happened? Did you get mugged or something?”

“And how did a seagull steal your clothes?” Dianna asked, scrunching up her eyebrows.

I sighed wearily. “Oliver took me to the beach and then we weren’t prepared but we swam and I took off my clothes and then this seagull appeared and messed with our clothes. So Oliver had to pay this random guy for a towel so he could drop me off.”

The three of them exchanged glances and then looked back at me. Dianna shrugged. “Sounds good. So why do you need our help? Is something wrong?”

I considered it for a minute. “Yeah, there is something wrong. Oliver’s parents are going to be here and they want me to join them! It’s like meeting the parents or something. And I have to wear something fancy because we’re going to have lunch in a classy restaurant.”

Alice took a deep breath and slammed her laptop shut. “Girls, this is an emergency.”

And with that, the three of them rushed to me and then led me upstairs to my room. They told me to take a bath while they just prepare for the dress, the shoes, the make-up and everything that matters.

And so I did.

I took a quick shower and went out of the bathroom with my robe. I gaped at the girls as I got out. “What is that?” I asked, nodding my head towards the dress Alice was holding.

She giggled. “This is going to be your dress! Isn’t it lovely?”

“But that’s too short! And too tight. I wouldn’t be able to breathe when I get in there,” I said, disgusted. “Can I please wear a different dress?”

Dianna shook her head firmly. “No can do, Rebecca. You asked for our help.”

Thalia led me to the seat in front of the vanity mirror. “I’ll do your hair,” she said, grinning widely. “You have such lovely hair. Why aren’t you taking care of it?”

I shrugged. “There were never any reasons.”

Alice took my right hand and pulled out a nail polish. I frowned at that. “What are you doing?” I demanded.

“Painting your nails,” she replied in a matter-of-fact tone. “You have to look classy and beautiful when you meet Oliver’s parents. Plus, they wanted their son to have a pretty girlfriend, don’t you think?”

Dianna sat on the floor beside Alice and looked up at me questioningly. “Is there something going on with you and Oliver? I mean, you hang out with him all the time. Are you dating him?”

“No… We’re just… we’re just friends,” I said, smiling weakly.

“Friends don’t invite friends to go out swimming in their underwear alone,” Thalia pointed out.

“He was apologizing to me.”

“Apologizing? What did he do?” Alice asked.

“I said something wrong,” I replied. “Then he ignored me for the rest of the week but then he apologized to me with that trip to the beach.”

“Why did he apologize?” Dianna wondered aloud. “If you asked me, you were the one who should apologize!”

“I was about to but then he apologized first,” I said defensively.

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