Chapter Twelve: The Red Sauce

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"Why didn't you tell me the four of you are going to New York next week?" 

I looked up from my Chemistry book and saw Jane, her hands on her hips and her mouth in a tight line. I don't have to be an Einstein to realize she was angry. And so I smiled at her sweetly. "Oh, hi Jane! I didn't know you're here," I greeted her.

"Well, now you know," Oliver, who was sitting beside me, muttered under his breath.

"Hello," she said shortly. "So, why didn't you tell me the four of you are going to New York next week?"

I frowned and turned to Oliver. "We're going to New York next week? I didn't know that."

"Well, now you know," he repeated. Then he looked up at me questioningly. "Why didn't you know? I was pretty sure you were there when Dad informed you that we're going to New York for the annual party!"

Oh, right. I remember now. That was when I have to wear that tight dress and sang the theme song from Powerpuff Girls and met Oliver's parents. Yeah, good times. "Yeah..."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jane demanded three times today. "I'd be a loner once again. With the four of you gone, it's going to be me, me, me!"

I smiled apologetically. "Sorry. I was busy, and the thought just slipped out of my mind. Anyway, why don't you come with us?" I asked. I turned to Oliver. "She's allowed to come with us, too, right?"

"Yeah, as long as she stays in your apartment. My parents would kill me if I bring a girl back at home."

"So, you going?" I asked, smiling at her.

Jane nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I've never been to New York! What kind of constellations would be there waiting for me?" she sighed dreamily.

Oliver groaned. "Not with the constellations again, please God..." he mumbled, but Jane didn't seem to hear.

"What are you doing in the library, anyway?" Jane asked, sitting down at one of the vacant seats. "I left Chris and Luke at the cafeteria when Chris accidentally told me that he's going to New York with you guys next week."

"Well, I'm trying to help Oliver in Chemistry," I explained. "It's not really his best subject."

"It's not even my average subject," Oliver moaned in sorrow.

Jane chuckled. "Well, Chemistry is hard. I can't blame you for that."

Oliver slammed his Chemistry notebook and suddenly stood up. "I'm going to eat at the cafeteria. Come on, Rebecca," he said and began to clean up his stuff.

"Okay," I sighed and began to clear up my stuff, too.

"Seriously, guys, you two are always together," Jane said, raising an eyebrow. "Isn't there a time when you are apart?"

Oliver and I exchanged glances and then turned back to Jane. I let out a nervous laugh. I know Jane was my friend and all, but I don't want her to know anything about the bodyguard-stuff. I don't think she's going to take it... properly. "We're just really close, that's all," I said, smiling up at her.

"Really, really close," Oliver said, ruffling my hair.

I glared at him. "Stop it, douchebag."

"No can do, dumbass."

"Yeah, you two are close," Jane said, laughing. Then she stood up. "I'll walk with you to the cafeteria."

"Hmm, I think I don't like consuming cafeteria food right now," Oliver said conversationally. "I mean, I suffered Chemistry for thirty minutes! I deserve good food."

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