Chapter Eleven: The Strange Silhouette

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It was a typical Wednesday night. I was doing my homework (which was completely ruthless, by the way. What was Mrs. Preston thinking?) while listening to my favorite band in the whole planet, Maroon 5. About ten-thirty, my phone suddenly rang from my bedside table. With a heavy sigh, I reached out and pressed the Answer button, not even bothering to check the caller ID.

“You better speak. I’m really busy right now,” I grumbled, not taking my eyes away from number fourteen of the Algebra homework I was doing.

“Have you answered number fourteen?” came Jane’s voice. She sounded weary and tired.

I groaned. “You’re also having a bad time with that one? I’m looking at it as we speak!”

Jane chuckled softly. “I was kind of hoping you’d have an answer and I’d copy you tomorrow morning. Guess there’s a fat chance that’s happening.”

“Is that the only reason that you called?” I inquired.

“Yep. You better sleep, Rebecca. I mean, we could work this out together in the morning. Two brains are better than one!”

I sighed and ran a hand through my dirty greasy hair. “Guess you’re right. Well, good night, then. I haven’t even taken a shower yet.”

“Okay,” she laughed and hung up.

I placed my phone back on the bedside table and slammed my Algebra book shut. Number fourteen was so hard that I think even Einstein couldn’t answer it. I bet Mrs. Preston doesn’t have a clue to answer number fourteen.

I grabbed my towel that was hanging on the headboard of my bed and walked in the bathroom. I took off my clothes and let the water run on my body as I stare off the space idly.

This morning, Eric and Lavender made quite a scene at the cafeteria. I was eating lunch with Oliver, Chris, Luke and Jane while they were arguing on the farthest table. It was a hushed argument, at first. But then Lavender suddenly shouted, “You’re not doing anything to strengthen our relationship!” And then Eric was like, “You’re the one flirting with guys every waking moment!” They continued screaming at each other and then Eric’s best friend (who’s also the vice president of the student council) stopped them. Lavender told him to fuck off and then she walked away. She passed our table and I swear, she gave me the stink eye.

Oliver laughed when she was out of the cafeteria. He said, “Guess you’re the reason why they were fighting.”

I was surprised. Really, I was. I asked Oliver why he thinks I’m the reason why they were fighting and then he said, “Just because.” My next class after lunch is Home Economics and Eric’s my partner. I decided to ask him about that. But when Home Economics came, he wasn’t there.

I sighed and turned off the shower. I wrapped my towel around me and stepped out of the bathroom. I dried my hair before I slipped on my nightgown. Around eleven-thirty, I was on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

For the first time I came here in Chicago, I found myself missing Michael. Every time I have boy problems, he was always there for me to confide on. I texted him earlier, but then he said he was really busy because of an emergency meeting.

I closed my eyes and within seconds, I was asleep.


Bang! Bang!

My eyes shot open. Somebody was knocking on my door, and by the sounds of it, that somebody wanted to break it down. I grumbled something incoherent under my breath and got up from my bed. I opened the door, revealing Dianna, wearing a worried expression and her pajamas.

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