Chapter Twenty-Five: The Awkward Birthday

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I opened the door, revealing Oliver and Vivien, who brought a bottle of champagne. They were both smiling at me and said, “Happy birthday, Rebecca!”

I smiled slightly, still not yet over my findings earlier. “Thank you. Come in, come in,” I said, opening the door wider so that they could get in. Vivien was the first one who came in and Oliver was frowning at me, as if he sensed something was wrong.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, circling his arm around my waist. “You look quite distracted.”

“I’ll tell you later,” I whispered. “Not now.”

Vivien grinned at me and breathed deeply. “At least it’s only the four of us. I don’t like mingling with strangers. My parents practically force me to mingle with people I don’t know and I’m quite tired about it.”

“Just feel at home, Vivien,” I told her and took the bottle of champagne. “You do know we’re all eighteen, right?”

“Nobody would know,” she said, with a secretive smile.

“Well, it seems like your friends had arrived, Rebecca,” Michael said. He was standing beside the dining table, checking everything if it was perfect. “And who’s this beautiful lady with you?”

“Vivien Peterson. It’s nice to meet you,” Vivien said, taking my brother’s hand and shaking it.

Michael’s signature player smile appeared on his lips. “The pleasure is all mine. The name’s Michael Georges.”

Vivien winced, disgusted. “Gross. Don’t smile like that.”

My brother blinked. “Excuse me?”

“It doesn’t suit you, okay?”

“Let me guess. You a lesbian?”

Vivien turned pale. “It’s obvious?”

“No, but to me it is. I dated a lot of girls to know if one is a lesbian. I take it you haven’t come out yet?”

“Last night. It was a disaster,” she said, shaking her head.

Michael just smiled and then turned to Oliver. His smile disappeared and was replaced by a tight line. “Oliver.”

Oliver smiled nervously. “Mr. Georges. It’s really nice to see you again.”

“You never called me Mr. Georges before.”

“Um… I guess it’s only polite since I’m currently dating your sister.”

His jaw tightened. “That is right.”

I sighed sharply. Then I turned to Oliver, smiling. “Come on, why don’t we start eating? I’m famished,” I said excitedly, just to ease the tension in the air.

I sat down on my usual seat with Oliver beside me. Across us were Vivien and Michael. I placed the bottle of champagne on the center of the table. “Vivien brought this. You don’t mind if we drink, right?” I asked my brother.

He shrugged. “It’s okay. As long as you know your limits.”

Vivien smiled. “In Sweden, my friend’s parents practically let their children drink champagne during dinner.”

“But, sweetie, this isn’t Sweden,” my brother told her.

“I was just saying,” she grumbled, very much annoyed.

We said grace and started eating. Oliver popped the bottle open and poured some champagne on my glass. While doing so, Michael decided to ask something. “So, Oliver, what are your plans in college?”

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