Chapter Twenty-Six: The Text Message

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We left New York the next day. I bade Vivien goodbye and wished her good luck. She hugged me and told me that even though she only met me, like, two days before, she knew I was the perfect girl for Oliver. She also said that she’s going to miss the two of us, because none of her Swedish friends knew she’s a lesbian and now she had already come out, her friends were bound to know.

It wasn’t that easy saying goodbye to Michael. Yeah, sure, he hugged me tightly and told me to be safe, but I wasn’t feeling the sincerity. It was like he was obliged to say goodbye to me. I felt sad, that he was only acting this way because he doesn’t like Oliver for me. I know now that I can’t make him like Oliver but still… it wouldn’t hurt if he tries.

And now, I was sitting with my friends during lunchtime. I was sitting next to Oliver, munching my apple as everyone in the table was chattering around. Even Oliver was talking to Eric for their PE homework or something. I was just there, eating my apple quietly and wasn’t paying attention to everyone.

“So, Rebecca, how was New York?” Jane asked, inviting me in their conversation.

“Yeah, how was your birthday?” Luke added. “Did you have birthday sex with your boyfriend?”

“And the day before her birthday was Oliver’s birthday so they also had birthday sex,” Chris said thoughtfully. “Man, how many times did you do it?”

I blushed. “We didn’t do it, okay? It wasn’t just the right time.”

“Yes,” Oliver said, circling his hand around my waist. “We’re taking it slow.”

Luke burst out laughing. “Since when did you want to take it slow, Oliver?”

“Since I met Rebecca,” my boyfriend said firmly, not embarrassed.

I smiled slightly, and wondered if Oliver really wanted to do it. I know he’s a guy and every guy’s been thinking about it since the start of their puberty and raging hormones, but does he really want to do it? He said he doesn’t want to force me, but he can’t wait forever.

I’ve been also thinking about having sex with him, but still… that’s a huge step for me to take. I’m not yet ready, and though I have read a lot of times in books and magazines about tips, I still don’t have any idea what to do. What if I would do something wrong and embarrassing? Would Oliver still love me? He’s been with girls before – a lot of times, mind you – and I guess I’m the only inexperienced girl. But, whatever, he still loves me.

“But do you really want to do it?” I asked him quietly.

Oliver looked down at me, frowning. “What?”

“Do you want to have sex with me?”

“Of course I do,” he said quickly. “I mean, I’ve been thinking about undressing you ever since I met you, but I’m willing to wait if you’re not yet ready. Only assholes force girls to have sex with them. And I’m not an asshole… Unless, of course, if you’re ready.”

“I’m not,” I admitted quietly. “I’m really sorry, but I guess we’ll just have to wait.”

He smiled and took my hand. “You don’t have to apologize, Rebecca. Whatever your decision will be, my feelings for you won’t change. I love you, sex or no sex.”

I laughed. “So if it’s okay if we don’t make love ever?”

“Sure. As long as we’re together. Sex is just sex. Sex is not love.”

“Wow. I can’t believe I’m hearing this from Oliver Hoffman,” I said, faking to be surprised.

Oliver smirked. “There are lots of things you don’t know about me.”

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