Chapter Seventeen: The Visiting Day

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I woke up with someone pounding my door. It was as if they were threatening to burn the house down to ashes if I don’t stand up this instance and open the door.

With a loud curse, I got up from my bed, my hair sticking out in all directions, and threw the door open. It was Thalia, looking at me expectantly, all dressed-up. I glared at her and boy, was it a sight to see since I was wearing this really short shorts that could be mistaken as panties, a tank top that was practically showing off my cleavage and of course, my beyond messy hair.

“What do you want?” I hissed.

She was beaming and, if I wasn’t mistaken, also blushing. “Somebody’s here to see you!” she gushed.

“Is it Oliver? Tell him to go away and I’ll go to his house in ten minutes.”

“No, it’s not him! It’s—”

“Eric? Tell him I’ll still asleep and I’m not supposed to be disturbed.”

“It’s your brother! Michael! He’s here!” Thalia said excitedly. Then she flipped her hair. “You didn’t tell me your brother is such a hunk! Alice and Dianna are practically flirting their asses off downstairs! Is he single? Or does he have a girlfriend?”

“My brother? He’s here?” I said, aghast. “Why in the world is he here?”

Thalia just shrugged. “Why don’t you find it out yourself?”

I pushed past her and quickly ran downstairs. I went to the living room, where Michael was sitting in the couch, Alice and Dianna sitting beside him. They were chattering loudly while Martha was watching him in a dreamy gaze. She was the first one who saw me and smiled. “Your brother’s here,” she informed me. “And I think he’s going to turn me into a cougar.”

That was quite disturbing so I just ignored her. I walked to my brother and when he saw me, he broke out into a grin. I placed my hand on my hip. “What are you doing here?” I asked snippily, as if I was the older sister. “You’re supposed to be in New York! And if you’re going to visit me, why didn’t you inform me ahead of time?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise,” he replied sheepishly.

“Well, I’m surprised, so congratulations, it worked!”

“Aw, come on, Rebecca. Don’t be angry. Alice and Dianna seemed to love me,” he said, gesturing at the two girls.

Alice turned to me and nodded vigorously. “He’s right! He is such a good guy.”

“You have a boyfriend, Alice,” I pointed out.

“So? That doesn’t mean anything.”

“Rebecca’s totally right,” Dianna said. “You have to back off!”

“No, you back off!”

“Oh-kay, ladies, why don’t I just back off and give my sister a hug?” Michael said and stood up from the couch. He opened his arms, inviting me for a hug. Since I was such a good girl, I went up to him and wrapped my hands around him. “Aw, isn’t that much better? I missed you, li’l sis.”

“What are you doing here, anyway? You sure you won’t be in any trouble to Mr. Hoffman that you’re here?” I asked, my head on his chest.

“He actually gave me a vacation and I figured I wanted to see you in the weekend,” he replied. He pulled away and looked at me. “So, how’s life? Tell me every juicy detail.”

“You sound like a teenage girl,” I said. “Come on, why don’t we talk in my room? You can bring your suitcase with you.”

Michael grabbed his suitcase and followed me up to my room. I opened the door and he dropped his things on the ground. He threw himself to my bed, and curled into a ball. He grinned at me. “So, how are you? How’s Oliver? Did you make up?”

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