Chapter Nineteen: The Morning After

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When I opened my eyes, my head felt like a ten-wheeler truck crashed into it. I didn’t know where I was, but I couldn’t care. My hands were on my temples, trying to massage the pain away but it wasn’t just working. I groaned a little bit, and then turned to my right, where the sleeping face of Oliver greeted me.

My mouth opened, but no sound came out. I guess if you’re really surprised, you don’t think about gasping or something. Anyway, Oliver was still sleeping, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. He breathed out through his mouth, and I could feel his breath brushing my collarbone. He looked peaceful, innocent and younger. He also looked cute, I thought.

I wanted to run my fingers through his silky hair but I didn’t. Instead, I looked down at the clothes I was wearing and realized those weren’t mine. I doubt something happened between Oliver and I. I’ve read in books that girls will feel some aching between their legs when “it” happened, but I don’t feel anything… except my aching head.

I carefully tried to get up without waking him up but then a hand shot up from behind me and wrapped itself around my waist. Oliver pulled me closer to him, and he buried his face on my back. I internally groaned. He has such an iron grip.

“Oliver…” I murmured softly.

He stirred but didn’t wake. I sighed.

I waited for approximately five minutes until I unglued his hands around my waist. Amazingly, he obliged and I got out of bed. I went to the nearest bathroom and washed my face. I looked at my reflection, where a pale girl looked back at me. So this was my face when I’m in a hangover…

I splashed water to my face once more and then went back to the room. Oliver was still asleep. I was about to wake him up when suddenly I caught sight of a large black spider just above his head. My eyes turned wide and I stifled a scream. The spider wasn’t moving but when I took a step forward, the spider moved and I just screamed like a mad person.

Oliver immediately woke and jumped out of his bed. It would have been funny if it wasn’t for the circumstances. He threw himself to me and we both stumbled to the ground. I was breathing heavily. “What the hell?” I muttered.

He looked at me and I suddenly realized that the spider was on his forehead. I screamed again and Oliver screamed and I slapped his forehead, making him wince. The spider slowly fell to the ground, already dead.

“What the hell was that for?” he demanded. “And will you stop screaming? You’re making my head ache.”

“There was a spider on your forehead! Of course I’m going to scream!”

“A spider? What would a spider do on my forehead?”

I gave him a look. “Gee, why would a spider stay on your forehead? Of course I don’t know!” I grumbled and then pushed him above me. “And why am I in your bed anyway? I can’t remember anything from last night.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Seriously? You don’t remember anything?”

“Oh, I remember some of it. The last thing that I could recall was that Luke left and I was drinking your beer. Where’s Michael, anyway?”

“I think he banged one of your roommates. He totally forgot about you,” he said shortly.

“One of my roommates? You mean Thalia?” I gasped.

“Yep,” he said and then stood up. “Come on, let’s have breakfast. I’m really hungry. Do you know how to cook?”


“Then let’s go to Starbucks or somewhere we can eat.”


“No buts. You owe me one,” he pointed out. “I took care of you when you were drunk. I could have just left you alone and you could have lost your virginity to some creepy guy but no.”

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