Chapter Thirty-One: The Noble Sacrifice

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I was walking down the stairs just as a loud yawn escaped my lips. I had just woken up from my sleep. It seemed like that was the best sleep I had for months. Some nights, I'm thinking about my brother and what would happen to him.

It was three days after I had that "mini" fight with Oliver. It was also three days since I have talked to him. I've been ignoring him, and I know it's immature of me, but still. What he said about the stalker - about my brother - hurt me. I wanted to tell him the truth about his father, how it was his fault why Michael had hurt him, but it feels like I'm not the right person to tell him. It wasn't my secret to tell.

Dianna was eating breakfast on the kitchen table while watching some early morning show. She looked up at me and smiled. "Good morning, Rebecca."

"Morning," I replied back to her. I sat down across her and poured some orange juice in my glass. "Where are the others?"

"Thalia just left for some college thing. Martha and Alice are in Alice's press conference for her new book. She's really excited because it's her first time to be in the New York's Time bestseller list."

"Really?" I said, amused. "That's amazing! Alice deserved it. She worked her ass of for that novel."

"Tell me about it," Dianna said, chuckling. "How about you? What are you going to do today?"

I shuffled on my seat uncomfortably. The girls doesn't know that Oliver is in the hospital. Mr. Hoffman made us not tell a soul, so that the media won't be contacted or something. And so I just smiled at Dianna. "Nothing. Maybe I'll just hang out with my friends."

"You're not going to school?"

Oh crap. I've been too preoccupied with the drama in my life that I have forgotten about school. "Nah. I'm not in the mood to. Are you going to your job?"

"Me? You haven't heard the news, have you?" she said.

"What news?"

"I left the waitress job. I realized I won't achieve my dreams if I keep on waiting tables. I decided to go back to school. You know, start going to a university. I had my savings from being a waitress so that could cover up my tuition in the first semester. I'll try working in the library to earn more money so I could pay for my education," Dianna told me proudly.

"Really? That's awesome, Dianna," I said, happy for her. "You're going to do well in college."

"Thanks," she said, giving me a toothy smile. "How are you and Oliver, though? I haven't seen him lately."

I chewed the inside of my cheek and I looked at Dianna, wondering if I should tell her something or not. She's a good person, and I could trust her. But I don't want her to be dragged in this fucked-up world. "Nah, Oliver and I are good..."

"Really?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. She must have noticed something wrong in my tone.

"No," I finally admitted. "Something's terribly wrong but I can't tell you."

"It's okay if you won't tell me. I understand," she said. "But does the problem concern only the two of you or some other people?"

"Some other people. Lots and lots of people."

"Well, don't let them get in your way," Dianna said, patting my hand gently. "They're not in charge of your life and Oliver's. If they are trying to stop the two of you to get your happy ending, then fight them. Do whatever you have to do for your love."

"I know," I sighed. "But it's not that easy."

Dianna smiled. "Nothing is ever easy when you're in love."

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