Chapter Ten: The Flirting Games

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Parties were never really my thing. It was mostly Michael’s idea to throw a party at home. He even lets me drink (though I have limits; he’s not really that irresponsible). I’ve also been to teenage parties, like every normal teenager. I’ve made out in parties, I’ve danced in parties, I’ve almost even stripped off to a couple of boys in parties (almost, okay?) And yet I never liked parties.

Oliver’s going to throw one tonight, and might I just add it’s Monday night? We have school tomorrow, for goodness sake! But he promised me he’d kick out the people if it’s already ten o’clock. And though I don’t really like parties, I have to go. I’m the bodyguard, remember?

I’m pretty sure Oliver’s going to look for a girl and make out with her. I’m also sure that Chris and Luke are going to exactly do that. That means I’m just going to sit down, drink and watch people either make out or dance. Nobody’s going to ask me to dance, anyway. And so, I called Jane if she could at least keep me company.

“You want me to go to a party?” she gasped in surprise when I asked her. “Are you really sure?”

I shrugged, even though she couldn’t see me right now. “Sure. Haven’t you been to a party before?”

“No! I told you, I never really had friends before.”

“Oh.” Jane always hangs out with me, therefore Oliver, Chris and Luke are forced to hang out with her, too. But the four of them got along soon. Chris talks to Jane all the time, making her blush all the time too. Luke teases her like a close friend and Oliver even talks to her (mind you, Oliver don’t really talk to people. He’s one of those mysterious guys to other people). “But do you still want to go?”

“Do I?! Oh, Rebecca, what should I wear? Should I wear this black flirty dress my mother gave me last Christmas or this green church dress I always wear during Sundays? I’ve just never been to a party before!” she gushed excitedly.

I smiled at her enthusiasm. “Wear whatever you like. And even if it’s ridiculous, I’ll still talk to you and won’t pretend you’re invisible.”

She laughed. “Okay. So where is this party being held?”

“Oliver’s. I’ll see you there, okay?”

“Sure. Later!”

“Later.” And then, I hung up.

With a heavy sigh, I turned to my closet and opened it. Jane’s not the only one who has wardrobe problems. Maybe I should just stick with jeans and shirt? Nah. I was in public school parties before, not private school. Who knows what kind of outfits the girls wear in private schools? Ugh, I’ll just wear this black skirt and pink top that Michael bought me for my birthday last year.

I slipped off my school uniform and changed into the skirt and top that I chose. The skirt was at least one inch above my knees. The top was perfect with the skirt, though it’s backless and shows a lot of my shoulders. Thankfully, it doesn’t really reveal my cleavage. I quickly put on some light make up. Just lipstick and eyeliner would do. Then I picked my black stilettos and slipped on it. I know, I know, I never liked heels. But hey! What if Eric attends the party and asks me to dance? You never know.

I took my purse, placed my house keys, phone, wallet and my gun inside and went downstairs, where Alice was tapping away on her laptop. I cleared my throat to catch her attention. She looked up and I saw her eyebrows rise. “Ooh, where are you going?”


“Ah,” she said knowingly and nodded. “Okay…”

I sighed. “It’s a party, okay? I’m going to a party. I might be home later than usual.”

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