Chapter Sixteen: The Movie Theater

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Eric and I were making out inside a janitor’s closet.

Weird, I know. I didn’t pin him down as one of those guys who like making out with girls. He just looks so cute and smart and posh that sometimes I forget that he’s also a teenager. He was quite a good kisser. If he wasn’t, then I should’ve ended this making out ages ago. But the reason why I suddenly pulled away from him was because I suddenly remembered the heated kiss I shared with Oliver back in New York.

“What’s wrong?” Eric asked breathlessly, his hair dishevelled because I kept running my fingers through it. The two uppermost buttons of his polo shirt was undone and there were lots of hickeys on his neck.

I was breathing heavily, too, but I managed a smile. “I just remembered that I’m really hungry. Want to eat lunch first?”

He smiled softly and then dropped a small kiss on my lips. “Okay.”

I let my legs unglue themselves on Eric’s hips and smoothed down my uniform. I also buttoned up my blouse as Eric buttoned his. Yep, he just got into second base earlier and he looked happy about it.

Eric opened the door and carefully stepped outside. I followed him after he gave me the sign that nobody was watching. Just imagine the talk if someone catches the student council president making out inside a janitor’s closet. I smiled to myself just thinking about it.

“Come on, the others might be waiting for us,” I said, interlocking my fingers with his.

It’s really weird having Oliver apart from me. Before Eric brought me to the janitor’s closet, I told Oliver that he’d go ahead to our table since Eric wanted to “talk” to me. He looked at me in a confused way but followed my instructions. I just didn’t realize that what Eric meant about “talk” was actually “making out.”

“Hey, Rebecca, tomorrow’s Friday night, right?” Eric said conversationally.

“I think so… Why?”

He scratched his head awkwardly. “I was just thinking maybe if we could go out? Just the two of us? I could even talk my mother to letting me borrow the car.”

I raised an eyebrow sceptically. “Are you sure? Do you even know how to drive?”

Eric looked honestly insulted. “Of course I know how to drive! Mom just doesn’t want me to because she’s being so overprotective.”

“You sure you don’t want me to drive?” I teased him.

He didn’t get my joke and he glared down at me angrily. “I’m the guy here, okay? I should do whatever guys do whenever they’re in a date. And that includes me driving you around wherever you go. And may I just add that when I was dating Lavender she was the one who’s driving. And look where it got us!”

I wanted to point out that the person who’s driving doesn’t really affect the relationship but I just shrugged it off. He really looked pissed. I smiled at him gently. “Okay. I’m sorry. I was just teasing you.”

Eric took a deep breath. “Right. I shouldn’t have lost it like that. Sorry.”

We reached the cafeteria just as I overheard Oliver telling Chris, “…and she just threw up all over me and passed out. And when I dropped her off, her three roommates carried her and they had a hard time.”

“I see you’re retelling that story all over again,” I said glumly as I plopped down next to Jane. Eric was buying my food… again, even though I have money. I guess he just wants to be a gentleman or something.

Jane frowned at me. “Where have you been? We’ve been waiting for the two of you for, like, fifteen minutes.”

“Oh just look down at her neck,” Luke said, smirking. “It’s filled with fresh hickeys. They had a make out session, obviously.”

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