|02| the beginning ✔

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chapter two

t h e b e g i n n i n g


Receiving the dreadful text from Phelix, I groan out in frustration, the sound resonating throughout the empty parking lot. It was currently six in the morning here in California and saying I was exhausted would be an understatement.

I hear a man clear his throat from behind me from my position, sitting on the curb beside my parked car.

Standing up, I pat my jeans down before my eyes lock with the arrogant man from yesterday. He was watching me in amusement, his eyes roaming over me, observing me freely with no shame.

This time, it was my turn to clear my throat causing him to let out a throaty chuckle. "You seem to be annoyed," he observes causing me to raise my eyebrows towards him incredulously.

"And you seem to be correct," I state before pausing to see that he's in the same, nice suit from yesterday. "Do you not own any other clothes? You couldn't be going to the grocery store in that, I'm sure."

He shrugs, his eyes lighting up before doing the over-used, cliché move of dusting off his shoulder with a wink. "I have business to attend to. . . you wouldn't understand."

Biting my tongue, I nod. I didn't understand? Yeah, okay. "Of course not." I wave him off before strolling around him to get to my apartment door.

Turning around, I watch his retreating figure get into a black van. Him smirking is the last I see of him before he pulls out of the parking lot and continues on down the road.

He was a business man for sure. But if that was true, he would surely be able to afford more than an apartment secluded from the city.

Frowning, I look back to the vacant parking spot the van was once parked in before shaking my head.

I'm over-thinking and I'm stressed still having no whereabouts about the men I so much want to find. Whoever is in charge really does want to keep them safe and I give whoever that is props for that.

My phone alerting me that I have another text message, I quickly glance at my phone and see it's another update from Phelix.

New text message from Marcell

I had renamed everyone that I have kept in contact with for safety purposes.

I have a lead on a man by the name of Kristoff Anderson, age 42. Address: 1793 Pine View LA. Remember to question the victim first.

Yeah, thanks M. xx

Shoving myself into a jacket, I make sure I have my gun before grabbing my pocket knife and placing it into my waistband. Hastily taking the keys from the table they were resting on, I lock the door and run to the car, putting the correct address into my GPS.

I finally have a lead on someone and I can't help but smile at the fact. This was the beginning─I would get locations of other members of the gang from this man. He's the beginning and I'm so thankful that I can get on with this and avenge Dana. That's all I've ever wanted to do. She would have wanted me to. . . right?

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