|03| humanity, a curse and a gift ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter three

h u m a n i t y, a c u r s e
a n d a g i f t


"I've told you everything I know," the man begins, "will you please just let me go?"

Frowning, I shake my head. "Don't you get it? Your gang ruined everything and I'm not going to stop until every single one of you are dead," I state blankly.

"So that's it?" he questions me incredulously. "I have more information, you know. You need me alive. You wouldn't want to kill me and leave yourself at a dead end, would you?" He suddenly gets angry at my lack of response. "You can't use me and get away with it!"

"Wouldn't you have done the same? If it were your best friend that was killed, wouldn't you do whatever you could in your power to get back at the person or group of people that had killed them? Because that's what I'm doing. I don't expect you to understand, nor do I expect you to forgive me for this. . . but everyone dies eventually, right?"

Before he's able to respond, I press down on the trigger of the gun until I hear the familiar sound of a gun shot resonate throughout the small cabin.

Looking at the corpse of a man, I sigh. "And that wasn't even part one."

× × ×

After arriving back to the apartment, I decide to take a warm shower. I now know where the gang is located, but he didn't know one thing: where the leader was located.

Apparently, the leader never discloses his whereabouts to even his gang members. But, I like a little challenge. It would be kind've boring to kill someone who doesn't want to fight back.

Scrubbing the grime from my body, I can't help but think of what my parents would say to me. They probably would be so disappointed. . . even Dana would be disappointed, I'm sure. My parents would probably disown me if they were still alive. But I always try and assure myself that they'd actually be proud of me. . . that I don't care.

But I do and that's the problem. How am I going to murder someone and care at the same time? That's not how it works. But I'm only human. The gift and curse of humanity is what makes us who we are.

Imagining the disapproving look on Dana's face, tears leap to my eyes.

"I'm so sorry," I sob, the guilt becoming too much as I sink down the shower wall until I'm sitting on the floor. I just wanted to make things right but here I am, sitting with someone else's blood on my hands.

"I'm such an awful person," I cry out, resting my head against my knees. I needed her at times like these. I needed my parents. I needed someone who cared about me.

But I'm too foolish. I'm too scared and foolish to let someone get close to me. I always manage to scare them off one way or another. I'm either too broken or I just push people away.

With tears blurring my vision, I let sobs rack my body. This is what my life had come to. And I just killed someone. The man probably didn't even deserve to be killed. Afterall, he was really patient and nice to me.

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