|11| 'til death do us part? ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter eleven

' t i l  d e a t h  d o  u s  p a r t ?


Slowly waking up, I suppress the groan that is threatening to escape my throat.

Looking around, I notice not only am I not in my own apartment, but that West is here, sleeping on a chair right next to the bed I'm currently lying in. His hand is propping his head up, his hair falling messily around his eyes giving him a youthful glow.

Frowning at the feeling in the pit of my stomach, I sigh quietly and I push it away.

Shakily swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I notice that I'm in the same clothes that I had worn yesterday.

And that's when all of the memories of yesterday come flooding back. West shooting Austin. . . him drugging me because I refused to leave the scene. I look over at him and narrow my eyes as everything clicks.

This has to be the West Livingston. The other night, he was talking about a man murdered in a home─Kristoff. Next, he's secluded from the city but anyone could tell he has quite a bit of money. Then, he was at the café at the same time one of his men were in danger─Austin. It all makes sense. I've been buddy buddy with the gang leader responsible for everything. How could I be so dense?

Suddenly angry at myself, I notice my shoes right below me and quickly place them on my feet, searching my body for the gun that is no where to be found. He took my gun. Searching my waistband for my pocketknife, I then remember that I had stabbed West with it. He probably took that too.

I guess I'll just have to use my brain then. Standing up, I grab a broom that was leaning against the doorframe to the room and quickly break it in half making it sharper and more weapon-like.

"Ava?" I hear West's raspy voice causing my heart to stop for a mere second. "What are you doing?"

Looking over at him, I blank my face of everything except the subtle frown. "Where is my gun and knife, West?"

His face pales slightly before he stands up, him finally noticing the dangling, sharp piece of wood in my hand. Perhaps I'll just kill him with it.

"Now, calm down. I know you don't want to hurt me. You're at my apartment, Ava. I'm your friend," he tries to reason with me.

Rolling my eyes, I scowl. "You're anything but my friend. You're a gang leader, you're annoying and wait. . . oh yeah, you killed my best friend."

His eyes widen and then he frowns, slowly backing away from me. "Look, there has to be a small part of you that feels something, anything. I need you to use that so I can explain myself. I don't know why you're in Los Angeles. Well, I didn't know until yesterday when Austin filled me in on everything. I can explain myself to you. . . you just need to put the stick down."

"I don't want your explanations─"

"And I don't want to hurt you but I'll end up having to if you don't put the weapon down."

"You're not in the position to give me orders!" I yell at him, positioning the sharp object in front of me.

Quickly and swiftly, he takes his gun out and aims it at me causing my eyes to widen. "Am I in the position now, Ava?" He then pauses and his eyes become less icy than before. "Like I said, I don't want to hurt you. So please just put it down."

Remorse washes over his features, replacing the look of pity and helplessness his eyes were once displaying. How could I trust someone like him? How could I feel for someone like him? He ruined my life so carelessly.

"You don't understand," I choke out, me surprising myself with how weak I sound. I mentally scold myself as West steps forward cautiously.

"You can help me to understand," he nods, me frowning.

"I don't want your help! I don't want to help you! I just want this guilt and pain to stop!" I yell at him, gripping the object sharply in between my fingers.

"Fine!" He bellows. "What if I told you that you could see Dana again? Would you put the weapon down then?" He challenges, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

My eyes widen, my breathing becoming rapid. "W-what? That's not possible, she's dead─"

"Is she?" he cuts me off, me suddenly realizing his close proximity.

Taking the stick out of my hand, I collapse into him, his woodsy scent filling my nostrils.

"I'll explain everything to you," he coo's into my ear, running his fingers through my hair.

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