|22| bodies to burn ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter twenty-two

b o d i e s  t o  b u r n


"Where are we at again?" I ask Chance before I look around at the large and abandoned garage. It looks as if we are at a mechanic's shop with its greasy and damp interior and rough and rusty exterior.

"We're at a place that I thought was closest to West, but far enough away from the motels to make sure no one gets suspicious," he says very vaguely.

Rolling my eyes, I look down to my chipped nails and sigh. "Well, we've been here, what, thirty minutes? I don't think he's coming─"

"Yeah, I wonder where he is," the familiar voice of West's cuts me off causing my eyes to avert to him quickly; it was as if they were magnets and they were attracted to only him.

His hair is slick back, making him look much more intimidating than what he actually is, and his blue eyes are lit up in a mocking manner. His lips curl upwards into a taunting smirk whilst his right hand holds his gun carefully as if he's on alert.

"About time." I break the silence with a snort before letting my eyes fall to my now interesting feet.

Chance coughs before snickering. "You must really care about her; I didn't expect you to come back," he says.

Looking back up, I frown when I see West arrogantly roll his eyes. "I didn't come here for her. Honestly, I could care less about her well being. I came here became I am curious as to what you want. Ava, on the other hand, has nothing to do with his," he explains causing a small smile to grace my lips.

I see what he's trying to do.

"Right," Chance drawls before standing from his sitting position on a worn out desk. "Well, believe it or not, I came here because I actually want a part in your life and I am here to explain as to why I had left so many years ago in Michigan."

Cringing at the name of the state, I shake my head with a frown, pushing back any thought of my mother and father. I definitely didn't need to have another shower episode here.

West eyes the older man warily. "Make it short and sweet because I don't have time for this. Ava and I have business to attend to. We didn't come here to Nevada for vacation," West says.

"Okay," Chance begins as I get comfortable on the rough, cement flooring. "As you may have assumed from my earlier statement, I'm here because I want to know you. I fled Michigan because your mother asked me to. She didn't like my way of life and I loved her so. . . I did what she asked because I couldn't be selfish. I'm not saying this is your mother's fault, but I would have stayed if I was able," he says, observing West carefully.

West's tough facade cracks and his once arrogant smile is replaced by a sad frown. "You do know mom is dead right?"

Chance's eyes fall to the flooring. "Yes, I was at the funeral. You're a good boy, West. I'm glad you took over the gang." He then pauses to let out a long sigh. Looking back up at West, he clears his throat. "I'm sorry to ruin the moment, but I need a favor."

West quirks his eyebrow in question. "Alright, shoot," he says.

"I need your gang to join forces with my current gang. I have some business to settle in Europe with the Müller gang and I need all the help I can get. It's very large in men and my men alone aren't enough," Chance informs.

Frowning, I once again sigh in disappointment at the thought of West leaving. I honestly really like him and I know I haven't admitted that aloud, but I can't let him just up and leave.

"I uh. . . I don't know about that. Ava needs me at the moment─"

"I thought you didn't care about her," Chance muses with a hint of annoyance lacing his tone.

"Well, I lied. I care about her a lot and I can't let her do what she's doing here, alone. Plus, my gang is very large in numbers. My members are spread out among the U.S., not just Los Angeles. They have lives and I can't ask them all to drop what they are doing to travel to Europe where they may lose their lives," West explains thoroughly.

Chance's eye visibly twitches as a scowl covers his face. Swiftly, he pulls his gun out, but isn't fast enough as West raises his gun quicker and shoots him in the leg.

Covering my face, I sigh and crawl out of sight before taking my gun from my waistband. Making sure I have enough ammunition, I listen to the gun fight before crawling behind a huge wall of worn out wood.

Chance is a step ahead of West causing West to falter even more. Frowning, I watch as West falls to the hard ground before looking around worriedly; he is looking for me. He is in a near death situation and I am on his mind. That causes a small smile to grace my lips.

Chance then raises his gun to put an end to West. Standing up quickly, Chance is about to speak before a gun shot cuts him off, my bullet tearing through his skull causing him to fall to the ground, dead. Blood begins to pool around him and West stares at the corpse in horror.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper brokenly to the dead man and more importantly, West.

He looks at me and his eyes soften. Standing up from the floor slowly, he walks over to where I am standing. He then cups his large hands around my cheeks. "It's okay," he whispers.

Smiling, I shake my head. "This may ruin the moment, but we have a body to burn," I whisper, pointing to the corpse.

Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long to update

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Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long to update. I would have updated sooner but I've been busy critiquing and my bday was on the 24th. I don't really like stating my age (only for the fact that people may underestimate me) but I'm officially 15!

Don't be a silent reader!


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