|13| ancient memories with ancient people ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter thirteen

a n c i e n t  m e m o r i e s  w i t h
a n c i e n t  p e o p l e


"What are we doing here?" Kayla questions fearfully, gripping my hand harshly as she observes the large but abandoned warehouse positioned in front of the both of us.

"Phelix told me this is where the gang is located and he told me that he is picking you up from here. Probably not the safest idea, but an idea nonetheless." I shrug as she nods her head in understanding.

A couple of days ago, she decided to pay me a surprise visit without Phelix. Apparently it was a surprise to him too as she didn't tell him she was leaving. He wanted her home as soon as possible so he told me the location he found and that he'd be here to get Kayla.

Gripping my new gun, thanks to West, I advance towards the door.

"Am I supposed to go with you?" she questions, her eyes locked and scanning the area very carefully.

Frowning at her, I look back towards the building. "No, but I should probably stay here with you until Phelix─"

"I think I see him," she cuts in before waving at me. "Bye Ava!"

Watching her retreat to a gray truck, a small smile makes its way onto my face before I completely blank any emotion and begin advancing towards the building once again. It was something I had to learn. If you're an open book, you're never going to get anywhere.

No, I wasn't here to killing anyone─I was here to see Dana. After seven years, I was still fighting for her. After seven years of her knowing exactly where I was and how hurt I was, she never came back. So here I am. . . no, not here to say hey, but here to show her exactly what she missed out on and to make her regret her decisions.

Kicking the old wooden door, it flies open, a creaky sound emitting from it. Looking around, you could see the dust; it was as if you could touch it. No one kept the place clean at all.

Walking in, I look around. The house is falling apart around me. It is clearly unused but I have a feeling that something isn't right.

My suspicions are confirmed when I hear the sound of a book fall and I look over to an old bookcase.

Rolling my eyes, I mutter to myself. "Oh, how cliché you guys are."

Pushing all of the books off, one of them stick to it, leaning forward causing the whole bookcase to emit a clicking sound.

Frowning at it, nothing happens.

"Well, what a waste of my time," I mumble to myself, agitated, before it slowly creaks open.

With my gun in hand, I slowly walk down the wooden, spiral staircase careful to make no sounds with every slow and tantalizing step.

Reaching the bottom, I slowly look around before my eyes lock with a familiar pair of green ones right next to me. Jumping back in shock, I raise my gun to Dana and Austin's father, Eric, him glaring at me scrutinizingly.

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