|26| dead beat dad syndrome ✔

192 36 9

Edited | ✔

chapter twenty-six

d e a d   b e a t   d a d   s y n d r o m e


Where is she? Where's my phone? Where's the renta-car that I paid for? Ugh, this girl is going to drive me insane in more ways than one.

Those are the only thoughts that are coursing through my mind as my face remains blank and emotionless.

"She has long, brown hair. She's a little shorter than me. . . insanely gorgeous?" I question a random man in the parking lot.

He stares at me with confusion written all over his face. "I'm sorry man but I don't know who you're talking about."

I punch the hood of his car in anger before guilt covers my face and I smile sheepishly at him after noticing the huge dent I put in it. "Sorry?" I chuckle nervously, inching away from him slowly.

Why do I even care?


Shaking my head, I run my hand over my face and walk away from the fuming man. What if she's hurt? I can't believe she actually stole my phone.

Wait a minute.

She stole my phone.

My eyes light up as I take off to the motel room where my laptop is awaiting. Reaching my destination, I log on to the familiar Macbook and get into my database where my phone is being tracked. It probably wasn't safe at all but it helps for situations like these.

"Aha!" I smile as I notice it's at yet another motel.

This makes 4, does it not?

×   ×   ×

After arriving at the scene, I immediately see her car and I jump out of the taxi and run towards it. Cupping my hands around my eyes, I lean up against the window and see my phone sitting in the console with an address on the home screen. This address to be precise.

721, I read to myself before pulling my gun out and walking towards the old elevators located at the bottom.

Stepping in, I click the top floor before awaiting impatiently with aggravation as clear as day on my face.

Is Ava secretly insane? She's too brave. But then again, there's a point to where being brave just turns into being plain stupid.

As the elevator releases an eery ding, it creaks open slowly and I'm faced with a long, dark and narrow hallway.

721, I remind myself as I keep walking down the line of doors. Coming to a halt in front of the correct green and rusty door, I decide to listen in for a moment to see if I can hear anything of value.

"I want nothing to do with you!" I hear Ava screech causing me to jump slightly. She sounds angry, confused, hurt. The thought that someone is hurting her physically or emotionally angers me to the point to where I'm seeing red.

"I need you, Ava. I'll make you a deal that you can't refuse."

Who is this man?

"I don't want to make a deal with you. I don't want to know you. I just want you to be a huge disappointment to keep the image of Kevin perfectly intact," she croaks.

"Kevin?" the man questions, his breathing becoming rapid.

"Yes." Ava says. "Kevin, my father."

There's a pause as silence consumes them and without being able to wait any longer, I quickly kick the door down to see a surprised Ava and some random, older man. He isn't physically hurt, but by the look that his face is displaying, he looks emotionally drained.

"Er, hello?" I smile awkwardly, waving to the now, angry older man. "I just came to pick Ava up. We'll be on our way now."

Grabbing her arm, I pull her away from him as he suddenly grips her other arm.

"Wait," he pleads. "Take this."

He slides a card into her hand, his brown eyes glossy from unshed tears. "Call me if you need anyone. . . if you need anything, okay?"

She just stares down at the card in her hand in silence. Coming to the conclusion that she's not planning on saying anything to him, I continue dragging her out of the room and away from the motel. We arrive at the car without any interruptions.

And that's when I get angry at her. "What even, Ava? You could have gotten seriously hurt and if you did, I don't know what I would with myself. You said you were going to get food. This isn't some 'I'm going to the store, hunny, I'll be back' kind've mission where the father turns out to be a dead beat dad, is it? Because─"


"if that's the case, you're never allowed to go back out again. I can't lose you. Especially─"

"West," she pleads again, my eyes zoning in on her weak state. A single tear cascades down her face as she releases the cutest hiccup. "That was my birth father," she whispers out sullenly before she collapses into my arms.

My own arms snake around her waist as I rest my head on her own. A frown plasters itself onto my face as I kiss her smooth, straight brown hair. "He's back and I don't know why."

What is this? Daddy Daycare? Where do they keep coming from?

What is this? Daddy Daycare? Where do they keep coming from?

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